How many yoyos do you own but never play?

How many yoyos do you own that never get played? Why don’t you play them? What makes you keep them?


I play every yoyo I own very consistently. My collection went from over 100 to roughly 20 so they all get plenty of play time


Thread reported. Mods please ban this guy.


Edit: Yes I’m kidding. :grin:


Working on that… i own hundreds of yoyos… i try to cycle through them but let’s be honest most only get played once a year cause it’s hard to rotate that many.

I have a variety of ways that i try to cycle… by company, shape, material… currently I’m using a crazy idea from last year i decided to play and remove every string on my yoyos, so i play each string for a few hours remove it and that string gets added to my string ball… i have about 2/3 of my collection with out strings now, only way i allow myself to play a yoyo with out a string is by taking a string from a current yoyo throwing 10 consecutive combos with that yoyo and then i can borrow its string. Everyone has some crazy nonsense, let’s hear yours.

The only yoyos that don’t get played are from my pervious life throwing i have about 60 yoyos from the late 90s/ early 2000s that are sentimental and just sit in a display case. But as I’m learning more about mods and yoyo maintenanceeven some of these have seem some throws.

I think i regret most the yoyos I’ve sold, so I’ve stopped selling anything. I rather keep them and play it once a year. I rather trade with friends but trades seems to occur far less frequently and so my collection grows…


I throw everything I own and try to make them easy to grab so there’s no excuses.


Lololol you so funny


I do that string thing 2. Only 1 string for all my yoyos


think i own about 40/50 yoyos. I like to cycle through them about 10 at a time. Each week I change the line up on the end of my desk.
I do want to scale back though. There are some I enjoy more than others so might as well sell some off to make room for the ones I’m inevitably going to buy haha
There are a couple I don’t really throw but mainly because they are older throws that are nostalgic to me / haven’t aged to well haha


I tend to get swindled by Fomo and have many yoyos that I just don’t like that much. A bunch of yoyos I bought pre 2013 have been going for good prices so now I’m just holding on the eveything I buy recently so maybe in 10 years or so I can make profit. Most likely I will never sell them but the thought of them going up in value makes me happy lol


I have almost 50, I keep 12 in my main bag that’s easy to access, and those get played the most as they’re the ‘favorites’. I might swap one out of the main bag to something different when I get something new or pull out something from the storage case I’ve been missing.


Haha, yeah I couldn’t resist. My sense of humor is dumb.

But on the topic, I have somewhere around twenty yoyos in my collection. Two or three get played often and carried daily, two never get played but sit on display due to sentimental value/just too darn pretty to risk dinging (both have duplicates in my playing collection), and the rest hang on my quick-access display and get played in various levels of frequency.

When I go out for an afternoon of throwing I grab my six-pack Sochi case and stock it up with whatever I feel like throwing that day. Sometimes they all get a turn, sometimes I just end up throwing one or two out of the six-pack. But eventually everything gets thrown at some point.

I do have a couple that don’t get selected very often at all and these will eventually get sold, traded or handed off to aspiring throwers.



The only yoyos I own that I dont play are my few Freehands/Butterflys in the package.

I have a small, self-limited collection and if I’m not picking up and throwing a yoyo on at least a weekly basis it will likely get sold when a new yoyo I’m interested is in comes out.


A lot :rofl:

I’ve downsized a lot, and continue to, but a lot of them have sentimental value and that’s why I keep them.


Kind of similar I play a yoyo till it needs a string change, then switch to a different yoyo or I like to line up like 3 or 4 similar shaped yoyos then play one for a while then switch to the next, you get a good appreciation for each yoyos difference.


Honestly most of my yoyos at this point don’t see much play. I only really play a small handful of them. That being said I’m fine with this now. The more I think about yoyo design on a deeper level, and the more I consider the history and context of releases, the more appealing having certain older models in my collection becomes.

The better I get, the more I feel like I can really see what the designers and testers were trying to achieve with the yoyo, and understanding why players chose to compete with them. I want to understand these yoyos better, and being able to actually play them isn’t something you can gleam from just looking at specs and a cross section.

I don’t fall into hype for new yoyos easily. I’m interested in yoyos with a purpose. Things that did something new or interesting, yoyos with a historical impact. Seeing the evolution and refinement from designers.

I don’t want mid yoyos, every yoyo I own either sees constant play, or is a design that has its blood still visible in certain yoyos to this day. (or in the case of a couple things is purely sentimental)


i’ve got about 150 or so throws. they have all been thrown but they don’t all get regular use.
i may have a touch of ADD or, more likely, i just get bored easily. so, i’ll grab a throw and play a bit then i’ll think about another one i haven’t thrown in a while and i’ll go grab that one. i’ll play that one for a bit and think “this thing is awesome, don’t know why i don’t play it more…” then my brain drifts to another throw and soon enough, i’m throwing that one.

so, i like the variety and i like the way they look in the display cases. that’s why i keep so many. i’m a better collector than i am a player but i do love to throw. i don’t learn too many new tricks these days so i mostly just try to run through the ones i know and come up with different variations and combos. i’m due for some new tricks though, so i’ll take a look at the TAW thread, see where that’s at. i have, finally, started becoming more consistent with whips and the beef hook, so that’s cool.

so, to answer the original question, none. i have no throws that i NEVER throw. i have a bunch that get thrown rarely and several that see regular use. throws like the Inception, Creep - The End, Death Adder v2, The End Ti & Unknown, A-RT D7 and the slam dunk all get tossed pretty regularly. last night was one of those nights where i dug in to the collection and spent time with my MFDs, ZGs and C3 throws that hadn’t been out recently. those nights just reinforce my decision to keep them. they’re all good and they all play with their own personality. i just love to watch them spin.

enjoy the throw my friends.


I don’t have that many (15 models) and the ones that I don’t use are either extremely old, duplicates still in box, purchased at a price I couldn’t pass up, and/or a couple regret purchases. I play 10 of the 15.

If you think about my other stuff in general I do pretty well with my yo-yos - I have about 100+ T shirts, 25+ Sweater, 200+ golf discs, 100+ pair of socks, 6+ socket sets, 50+ beer glasses, 4 sailboats, 4 kayaks, …


This is one of my metrics for keeping yoyos. If I don’t play it or feel bad about losing it, I sell it.


….1500 1A yo-yos.

None came with tricks included, so I find them useless…

I prefer 2A yo-yos.

At least every time one comes back and smacks me in the face…… I know I am closer to completing my first inside loop.


“None came with tricks included” got me good LOL