How many yoyos do you own but never play?

About 175 but could live with one 36 case. I gave away about 40. I want a bunch to keep as give aways as they are great starters and good in general. I am now cycling through about a dozen and have been throwing the same 12 for several months.


Everything but the Deep State, because when I went to gather them, I couldn’t find it, lol.

I slimmed things down a while back out of a need for cash, and the silver lining was having a collection of what I enjoy the most getting played regularly.

Time to go track down the Deep State, it’s feeling like a conspiracy trying to find it.


The only ones in my collection that don’t get played regularly are Butterflies and XT’s. They’re pretty much a display piece on my desk at this point and I would gladly give any of them away if someone showed interest. I have a Whip that satisfies my needs when I’m craving something responsive.

All of my 1A throws get almost daily play. I’ve only got a dozen or so and I have ADHD, so it’s not unusual for me to run through the whole collection in a single session.

Edit: I should add, I did have some in the past that I didn’t play with much and ended up trading or selling them off.


i’ve got about 60 and i don’t play about 5-10. these 5-10 are models I just did not like but was not able to sell for a justifiable price or trade so they sit. some only get played a couple times a year but I generally rotate at a decent frequency though it’s completely random based off my vibe for the day. Sometimes I do the “throw a couple combos and switch throws” dopamine chasing routine but mostly I grab a throw and that’s the throw of the day.

Bonus points i’m throwing UNPRLD Recognition today


Found it!


A while back, I started saving boxes from my yoyo orders. One day I started putting up yoyos I didn’t play with much. Good throws, just not my favorites. After that, I put up yoyos that filled similar roles to others I liked better in my collection. For example, the Markmont Classic is my fav full sized organic, but I had 2 or 3 yoyos that were also full sized organics that just didn’t get much play.

It honestly was fun selling yoyos to people who were gonna appreciate them more. Well over a quarter of my collection ended up on the bst. It’s honestly so much more satisfying having a collection of yoyos I absolutely love, vs a mix of great and mid (to me) throws.


Is that what I’ve been doing every day? Dopamine is a hell of a drug.


Ok so I agree markmont classic is my all time fav throw I edc’d one for about 6 months!!!

But I have way more than I need I do try about 2/3 times a year to pull everything out and throw a good chunk of them. There are a few yo-yos I will probably not let go of mainly one drops because I also enjoy the aspect of collecting them!


Every one of my yo-yos gets the exact same amount of playtime. Zero.


I have 36 post-THP yo-yos, with a 37th on the way, and I currently don’t throw any of them. I tend to use yo-yoing as a form of procrastination so I decided to stop it until I complete my latest project I’ve been slow on. I’ve also decided to “lock” the yo-yos I’ve purchased but haven’t played (besides immediately testing them for vibe), so I can unlock them as I accomplish more. I have 16 of those because I have impulse control issues, lol. It’s actually been a great motivator. I’ve been working a lot harder and with more urgency now that I know a DD Kanto is waiting for me on the other side.


We’re all animals :monkey:

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None, everyone gets a day.
I only have 40 not counting the Higbys, those are my wife’s.


The question I find confusing, my wife tried to explain it but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. I don’t have any for long. Every year about this time I’ll drop off yoyos and relatively inexpensive guitars along with other stuff at the Children’s Home in Sacramento


I have someowhere around 50 I think. There might be a couple that I rarely play…but not never.

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I have around 50 between London and Italy, some of them I do not play them or some of them only when I am in Italy (left them in my parents house), but generally I do like to play with most of them and some other I can’t sell them for a good price so just stay there at home, I would say that I like to try new models every now and then sometimes is a fail and sometimes is a great discover, I believe is all part of the process