Reduce your collection to the yoyos you couldn't possibly live without

Anyone ever mentally (or actually) try and reduce your collection to the throws you absolutely couldn’t possibly live without? It could be a sentimental reason, or maybe, the yoyo is just too good to sell or trade. It’s probably really easy for those with smaller collections to do this, or if you’re the type of thrower that just doesn’t care or have any attachment to yoyos, but as someone who is 1) overly sentimental and 2) has a collection of about 100 yoyos, I find it super difficult to do this, but it’s kinda a fun scenario to play with. In a way I’m super jealous of those with a small, curated, and cohesive collection.

But, if someone said, what’s the smallest number of yoyos you can possibly keep: how many would you have, and what would they be? Bonus point for pics of said yoyos!

Here’s mine, I’m at 30 out of my ~100 (so about a 70% reduction). I think this is the smallest I could make my collection, as I couldn’t see myself parting with any of these. Feel free to discuss them, and why you chose them as well.


Honestly, when I really think on it I could get down to 3. One unresponsive, one bearing responsive, one fixie.

  1. Diorama
  2. Red Blood Cel
  3. Survivalist

With that said, I have quite a few yoyos I would have a really difficult time selling even if all of the ■■■■ hit the fan. I have a small collection so they’re all prime examples of aspects of yoyo design and aesthetics I really love.


I have over 100 as well, but I tried to filter it way down to the ones I felt would be gone forever if I sold. I’ve done that before and really regret letting some of them go.


You’re a much stronger man than I am. Having one yoyo per type is incredible self control lmao… and this is three out of how many?


I’ve been meaning to use an afternoon to do just this. Narrow it all down to what will fit in a 36 case.


36 out of how many total do you have?

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My collection is 20 total at the point, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because I feel like 20 is still too many. I’m struggling to get rid of the other 14, but these are the 6 I know have to stay.

Butterfly - It doesn’t need to be this one specifically, I just feel like I always need to have at least one Butterfly. They play so well and they’re a straight up classic.

Amulette - 4A is my favorite style but I actually don’t care about having a variety. I like consistency and the Amulette does everything I want it to.

Freyja - It’s my favorite yoyo. Also need to have at least one Unknown and this is the one. If I had to have just one (not offstring) yoyo period it would be this.

Glacier Express - It’s my favorite CLYW and my second favorite yoyo overall.

Chief - Yes

Survivalist - I love the Butterfly, but the Survivalist is just kind of better in every possible way lol.


Maybe 170 or a little more. Most go unused. 36 would cover all the bases. Nothing wrong with them, just…no longer appeal to me. They are not expensive, high end either. No grails.


I’m at 20 with one on the way. 18 at home, and 2 on my desk at work.

I’ve told myself I was limiting myself to one 12 slot shelf, but the results said that was a lie. I just bought a second 12 slot shelf, and intend on having 12 each unresponsive and responsive (bearing and fixed), plus 2 in my car and 2 on my desk at work (one each type in both locations).

I tried to take the “couldn’t possibly live without” seriously, but like I said theres probably a good 6 of each type I’d hang on to until I absolutely couldn’t anymore lolol


OD MarkMont Classic
CLYW Canvas
Anti-Yo YWET
A-RT 420 Lite
Heaven Sent Creep

RSO Droid
OD Kuntosh 5kQV
CLYW Borealis 1
G2 Valhalla

Then with a No Jive and the RBC, a 4A yoyo and a 2A set I should be good.


Great response, love the descriptions and that you posted a pic. I agree that the Chief is just too good to let go of!

Sheesh! Good luck man lmao… post a pic here when you get em in that 36 case.

It’s a sickness… and I’m down bad lol

I like your taste my man. All top tier organics.


It’s a shame too because there are a ton of V shapes I love. I just can’t help it with Organics.


I wouldn’t even consider the Chief to be my favorite yoyo. But playing the Chief for the first time was when I had it go through my head “Maybe I don’t need any more yoyos, this is it.”

There’s some kind of magic in that design, it’s insane to think about how old it is. It’s in that same realm as the Markmont Classic where it’s just a design that was so far ahead of it’s time, and it’s just going to stay good forever.


Great topic. I’ve been working towards only having yoyos on me that I’d rather never part ways with. It’s amazing, because when I want to yoyo, every option is amazing and I feel like a kid in a candy store.

I’m not 100 percent there yet, but I’m getting close.

I have the following coming in the mail still:
End 2 Finale in Orange #37
One drop white Cabal with silver hubs
Yoyofactory American with those fancy $100 engravings
1 of 4 General yo BA red KLR (which you have also)
OG orange Bolt

I will have to reevaluate once those arrive. Below is my current collection.

New Bolt - Because I need a plastic and it’s awesome. Will the Cabal or OG Bolt change things for me?

OG 5 star - Yeah, it’s not going anywhere.

Ten year anniversary 5 star - You might say, why keep two 5 stars, and I would say “go on with your logic and leave me alone.”

Hatrick - I haven’t found a yoyo that can grind like this, it stays.

Heavensent Creep - I’m trying to trade it for a Torrent 2. Until then, it’s an awesome yoyo that is replacing me not having an OG Peak in my collection.

Yoyofactory Super G - It has a pristine blue anno job from Gruntbull and it’s a Super Genesis. If I had to go to a contest to see whose yoyo can sleep the longest, I’m bringing this thing. I’d let it go if needed, but I love playing it. I’m an organic man at heart.

Unengraved TiVayder - Wife bought for our anniversary. It’s staying for more reasons than that, but that’s the top reason.

RBC and Weekender - I went through a ton of modern responsives, these were the best to me.

Deep state - Everyone needs a pocket throw, this is mine. It stays.

If I had to keep 3, it would be TiVayder, OG 5 star and RBC.

Obviously those yoyos coming in the mail can shake all of this up (minus the TiVayder and OG 5 star.)


If I had to keep only 2 yoyos, it would the RSO Gravity, Droid. With those two, I’d get a huge array of customizable high end throws on opposite ends of the spectrum. Otherwise, I’d keep the following:


  • Tiss Wisteria
  • YYR Wonder
  • RSO Soaking YWETi
  • RSO Mecha-Bapezilla (Godzilla edition)
  • RSO Mecha-Bapezilla (Bape colored SE edition)


  • TP Hinemosu
  • TP BGM
  • SF SStatement
  • YYR Inevitable
  • YYR Anomaly


Organics + Slim-lines

  • Anti-Yo Bapezilla
  • OD 54
  • Static Co x OD Nickel Plated Sudo
  • YYR Gopa
  • OD Panorama
  • OD Diorama
  • Recess Hardcoat YWET
  • A-RT Grail
  • General Yo 5star
  • General Yo Hat Trick
  • Duncan FHZ AL
  • Fallen Angel


  • OD Gauntlet
  • OD Kuntosh 5000QV
  • OD Top Deck
  • SF SF
  • SF Movement
  • TP St. Elmo
  • YYR Syfo

Wow, this was a great exercise, I should make this list my goal…


To add, some pictures.


Absolutely fantastic post, just what I was looking for. Love the pic and descriptions. You were actually a big inspiration for making the thread in the first place, as I envy your ability to keep your collection small and just to the best of the best. I wish I could do the same, but it’s fun to do mentally like I did in the OP as well.

This is good thinking. Really wanna try a Gravity when I have the funds for one, looks absolutely insane. If I counted right, you’re at 32… how many is this out of?

Awesome pics!


… I’m in denial and refuse to count. Maybe 150-200?


Appreciate the kind words, thank you.

So I know 30 is the lowest you’d go, so I’m gonna try to trick you into answering a question that I really want the answer too, lol.

You’re going to Hawaii for 3 years. You only have the capacity to bring five yoyos with you. The rest of them will be safely at home.

What five are you bringing?

Even though I don’t have the End 2 in the mail yet, I had one before, so here is my five because it’s only fair.

End 2
OG 5 star


Great question. Because you said the others will be SAFELY at home, that means I can leave my super nice or sentimental stuff behind and bring the stuff I’ll throw the most. So here’s those 5:

Wish, Free Solo, MCMO, Panorama and Diorama.
But because I have the perfect case that holds 8 that I’d love to bring (sorry for cheating :joy::joy::joy:), here’s 3 more I’d like to add: Grail, Peak, and Deep State.

Also, on a completely unrelated note: I think I’m gonna have to pick up a RBC, too many people have mentioned in in this thread of “must haves” for me to not pick one up.