HOW long HAVE you BEEN yoyoing??????!!!!!!

As of now, 2 years and 4 or 5 months.

Iā€™ve been throwing everyday for 19 years,

Bravo! Dedication right there! How do you feel about your progression throughout the years?

I have BEEN throwing FOR almost THREE years.

Since 1987

On and off since I was 6


5-6 yearsā€¦ pretty inconsistently at times with almost no progression for quite a while but hey, I have fun at least :wink:

I just recently decided a few days ago to start looping since I have 2 loop 1080s. Should be fun.

Off and on for about 6 years

around 5-6 years. didnt take it srsly till may 2014

I started throwing on April 1, 2001. My first yoyo was a white SuperYo Renegade from ExtremeSpin.

About a year and a half an I just competed in BLC which was my first contest

Working up to my 3rd year I think. I started messing with the butterfly and yyj classic in May 2015

About 10 months.

I feel better seeing that there are so many newbies like me.

Iā€™ve been throwing now for 6 decadesā€¦played single axleā€¦Changed to responsive plasticā€¦and then shifted to a unresponsive metal, plastic, poly carbonate and learned how to bindā€¦now itā€™s my primary practice modeā€¦luv it! I have metal, plastic, even a titanium model that Iā€™ve since soldā€¦

I got back into it a around 2 years ago i think. Im not the best. Im lazy. once in a while i decide to learn a new trick, but usually im just messing around with the stuff i already know.

It was 5 years this christmas.

Same here, I remember it was an Easter when I got my first yoyo, but I donā€™t know what year exactly

Since 1998 but, unresponsive like 6 months lol.

Right there with you. Ten months for me as well.