How I mod my Deep State (and other yo’s)

You did what I imagined at first which is just flowing over top of the pads. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Especially given that the clear is more grippy than the grey and it feels really good with the grey.

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I wouldnt consider this thread done yet.

My bearings for the BumbleBee just came in.

Just need to set some time aside to silicone and swap the bearing.

Because ofthis thread, I look at yoyos a little different now. I mean, the half speced Snack rocks. The Half Spec Hybrid Fluvia is so much fun.

I am sure I will find something else to fiddle with at some point.

Hubstacked Confusion is on the list to-do


What are you planning for the hubstacked confusion? Mine just needs a little thick lube and plays great.

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LOL. I need Hubstacks, Bearings and Orings.


Ahh yeah mine came without too I eventually snagged a set but I don’t use the hubs often on my full size confusion. I do use the hubs on my mini confusion. Go figure.

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I love the hubstacks on the Confusion. I use it as a pull start desk toy (in addition to an awesome responsive freehand throw). I tried using the mini but my fingers can’t pinch the hub for doing DNA.


I dropped a Hornet shim apiece under my FH1 spacers to make it unresponsive without buying the kit. I have to be careful taking it apart otherwise pieces fly everywhere, but toss in a concave A size bearing and it’s completely unresponsive with a good sized gap. Just the concave A without the shims would still result in lots of responses when layering string.

I have Hornet shims lying around because I only play with one shim and I ruined a half so I have a full spare Hornet for parts anyway.

Edit: this totally didn’t work. String kept snagging in the gap between the spacer and the bearing, which are now more exposed.


If you want to try something similar that may not snag you could try putting 2 standard A bearings in with no spacers.


Man o man!! The Butterfly XT with a half SPEC dry and a .02 & a .01 shim is just plain stupid!!


Some more fiddling over here. Realized something silly. All those little worthless bearing shield I kept but refuse to put back on my bearings. Well they work well as spacers or shims which is super duper neat.

Got my deep state a bit closer to where I want it and while I was at it I throw bearing shields in a bunch of other yo-yos. My al2000, the bumblebee, my Janus. All in the name of getting just a bit closer to what I am looking for in response.

Finally my pack rat mentality paid off lol.

Also I found not all my half specs are similar in width. Many many of them are different sizes. Just ever so slight but it’s interesting to see.


I have noticed this with my C bearings as well. The difference might be slight to the eye but can make a significant difference in the response.
Now for the Turbo Grind Machine. Just WOW!! I have more narrow A bearings that I imagined trying out in this thing but there is just no need at all!! The response on this thing is what I’ve been after on all of my responsives. And the product description explains it perfectly. It responds with a tug (very very reliably I might add) but still slides easy on the string. I was able to achieve this with my Deep State and my Butterfly AL. All the others bite into the string when attempting to slide the string in the gap. But both the Deep State and the Butterfly AL will bite if you don’t throw them relatively clean. They don’t demand perfection the way the Panorama does. Speaking of that, I have a bit to say on the Pano too. But the Turbo Grind Machine…holy freakin cow!! The bearing that came in it was dry and quite long spinning. It creates enough energy that you can make it sound (and feel) like a baseball coming back to your hand. :rofl: And the shape just feels so good. I feel like a 3mm A bearing would be way too responsive in this thing. It’s probably not going to stop me from trying it though. Curiosity will nag at me until I give in… I’m gonna need A LOT more CORK!!!


I’m happy you got your turbo. I was hesitant when I pulled the trigger but I’m happy I did. Probably didn’t need the mutant but whatever it’s a pretty shelf queen lol.

I can’t imagine a different size bearing would change the turbo machine much but please tell us if it does cause that’ll be neat. Thankfully there’s plenty of cork in stock but I imagine folks like me bought allot and will have cork response for a long time sitting in our parts bins.

As for the deep state I’m very happy with how mine has come along. It’s that perfect balance I was driving toward. Now I need to tinker with the Al butterfly cause that thing is just rude in how it comes back. Almost painful in a bad way.

Are you running a narrow C? Mine has a narrow C running dry and I changed the pads to a yellow pair as the reds were recessed slightly and response was sporadic even with the narrow C. But I imagine that if one of those slightly more narrow C bearings were installed it could get pretty nasty. The weight of the AL makes it a formidable opponent for your knuckles or head.

I don’t recall doing much to this maybe I should it some brain lube in the bearing. It’s got a thin bearing so maybe I swapped that I don’t recall how it was stock.

I don’t love how it feels on the return it’s kind of painful if that makes sense. It’s responsive but idk it’s not slow maybe I just don’t like it’s weight. The only thing it has going for it is the cap is pretty.

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That looks like a fairly thick string. Going with something thinner would help some. Also, since you’re unsure of whether you put lube in the bearing or not, you might try giving it a soak in alcohol. The thing is far too heavy to be super snappy. It’s a scary thing as it can move very very fast. If it comes at you it’s hard to avoid getting hurt…bad. Actually getting used to a Panorama by slowing it down caused me to do the same on the AL. It handles slowing down exceptionally well and I found it easier to control. I’ve actually liked mine quite a bit set up this way. In a trapeze the string slides in the gap super smooth. I’m using Executive Class Ziplines on mine if that helps.


Yes I’ll have to mess with it a bit but I get what your saying. It’s too heavy to treat it like a deep state or rbc it needs it’s own treatment .

So I did try the 3mm bearing in the TGM. It’s definitely too much. You could maybe use looping string and loop with it. With the Executive Class string it’s hovering on the edge of auto-returning. For me the TGM is just perfect straight out of the box. It’s the only yo-yo I’ve bought that gave me that experience. I’ve had to toy with every other throw to get at least close to what I’d like.
Next up…responsive Panorama!!!


So I’ve had the opportunity to throw an OD Panorama and Fat Tire thanks to a Pay it Forward started by @Deadboots who said it would be ok for me to try these responsive. So both can be made responsive with a set of filed down Side Effects and a narrow C bearing. I don’t have mad skills or a massive repertoire of tricks but I made a video showing the Pano in action. I’ll post that here and say this: I am thinking of adding my modded Side Effects and a narrow bearing to travel along in the Pay it Forward with this Pano and Fat Tire if anyone is interested. I know that some who will read this have already participated in this Pay it Forward and might want to have another go at it to give this a try. The Fat Tire plays responsive too but the Panorama is super enjoyable playing responsive. I’ve also given thought to either adding to this one, or starting another Pay it Forward with my modded Bi-metal Bumblebee and Confusion in it if there is interest. I figured this would be the best place to see if there’s interest. Let me know. Here’s the video of the responsive Pano.


Fit match with the yoyo is sick :sunglasses:

The panorama looks like a responsive beast, plus, Steve your loops are looking solid! This thread makes me want to buy a bunch of bearings myself and see what I can get away with. Do the slimmer, 3mm, MR105 bearings come greased? I have an idea for something I’d like a little unresponsive.


They do come with some sort of lube in them, yes. And thanks for complimenting my loops. :smiley:
The Panorama plays amazingly as responsive. The bearing also needed some lube to respond reliably. As I mentioned earlier I’ll be adding the Side Effects and bearing to the Pay it Forward if you want to give it a try. I’ll probably be putting it back up for grabs next week.