How do you react to dings in your yo-yo

How do you react when you get a ding in your yo yo? Depending on the severity do you experience different emotions?

Personally if the Ding does not affect play I am usually pretty good with it. I am slightly angry and may not play the yo yo for a day or two. I have never dinged a yo yo beyond play so I usually am able to trade it with some compensation if I ever want to.

What is your usual reaction?

I cry for a week and I throw it away and I hope it burns

I’m really mad and it sits in my case for a week

Burn the yoyo, kidding.

Beat myself up over it for about ten minutes over the fact that I threw it wrong or I was too low and caused the ding. Never had a bad enough ding to completely throw off the yoyo’s balance, so good enough for me.

I don’t.

Don’t react or don’t ding them?

I mean if you don’t react then imagine you just dinged a Yuuki Spencer edition Superstar. Not enough to effect play but you can feel it on grinds if the grind isn’t well placed.

typically I don’t ding my yoyos, but when it happens I fell like I broke a million dollar car… unless it’s a plastic…

If somebody else dings my yoyo, I feel like ripping their head off, and, well, yeah…

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I simply just cringe :o

I blame the yoyo. Haha.

Haha^^^ imo i think a ding is just making your yoyo one of a kind.

It happens and when it does theres nothing you can do about it so you might as well live with it and keep playing.

I say things that cant be repeated on this forum ::slight_smile:

I would just jump on the nearest bed or something, but the pillow over my face and then sit there is silence, and when I’m ready, throw it again and check for vibe and stuff like that.

I keep playing.


I don’t care most of the time. It’s a toy.

If its a General-Yo…

I intentionally “ding” it again. A yo-yo is a toy, not a contest to keep it resembling how it looked out of the factory.



i have a moment of silence, than start throwing again.

Don’t react. This is a picture of my MG, it is a proto double reccessed. Cost me 250 ish bucks.

It is a toy don’t worry about it. I know it is a lot of money for kids and all. It was a lot of money for me, but all I play is 5A, dings happen daily. It is how it is. I have never had a yoyo that got so beat up it wouldn’t play just fine. Not saying I haven’t beat a lot of yoyos. I have a whole case of yoyos I have “Personalized”.

I look at this way. I worked hard for my money got what I wanted, so I use it the way that makes me the happiest. Which is why I don’t worry about it. I am having fun that is what I do this for.
How ever I do take good care of any yoyo I think I may want to sell, or trade. Once I know I want it for good it is just another yoyo I use to play yoyo. what ever that means.

All o this said, there was a time I did cringe when I dinged a yoyo. Those times are long in the past though.

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My heart beats real fast when i ding the yoyo and then I just mutter something under my breath like “Darn it” or something. Once that happens, I switch out for another yoyo for a day or two.

i would be like " OMG !!!" then a minute later i forget about it lol
