I have only traded or gifted yo-yos lol. The one had a naughty word on it and didn’t entirely click with it. I sold a 9 dragons because I wasn’t really ready to mess with its capabilities and it was just too loud. I have gifted yo-you that i thought would find more enjoyment with someone else, a friend, my nephew and a forum member who was having a bad day.
I have thought about selling a couple I don’t use too much, but I do enjoy all of the ones I have and they each are special in some way, or don’t have others like them.
For me, I guess it’s a combination of all three, but mostly by type.
I want each of my yoyos to serve a purpose, and if one can’t do it better than another and has nothing strongly unique about it, it’s gone. If there’s something that keeps me from throwing one often, it’s probably gone. And value factors in as well. If I have a beat up B-grade or something I know I’ll get nothing for, I might as well keep it. Even if I don’t use it, there’s always a chance I could find someone to give it to (as has been the case with my neice and her friend).
Luftwerk Hybrid Fulvia (og) - top two favorite 1A throws (and also surprisingly decent for modern responsive). It’s too vibey/beat up to sell for much, and there’s already a PIF. But let’s be honest, I would’ve broken my rule to keep this thing anyway
Mismatched 2A pair
DD Monarch - 5A
iYoyo Shooting Star - parts [responsive & unresponsive bearings/axles] not worth selling, and lowkey top 4 favorite throws anyway
OD Reboot - fun, midsized organic + yoyo w/ SEs
Duncan Metal Drifter (og) - training, not worth much, first unresponsive
i think if i ever get to the point where i want to get rid of any, i would probably just group a number of throws i haven’t touched in a while and sell them in a super-cheap bundle
I am a sucker for high contrast splash, acid wash, anodize throws of almost any type of throw. I can not help myself, if I have not seen it I usually want it
I definitely have a H / W comp type. And definitely have a raw finish type.
I’ll usually buy stuff outside of any types just to try something new and see if there’s other things I’m missing out on cos of my bias.
So that’s a big reason I end up selling.
Just did a big collection reduction down to 10 aswell.
After being out the loop for 10 years I wanted to see what I missed out on, so tried to get my hands on a bajillion yo-yos and ended up selling em
IF: Was it a gift? If yes, it will never leave. Gifted yo-yos have no value to me monetarily, no trade value, they’re worthless in every aspect, except to me. They represent a time when someone thought of me and that’s priceless.
ELSE: If the yoyo was not a gift, it’s on the chopping block because life is harsh and, if I have to, I will. If it’s getting almost zero string time I’ll move it along to someone who will appreciate it. I have my faves, but I have learned to never say never.
Ps. I also have a single case. If the case is getting full, someone has to move. This however is going to get complicated as I move the collection to a FOV Max.
I have a hard time selling yoyos since I tend to have an attachment to them, but if it’s a throw I don’t vibe with or I rarely play and don’t have a strong connection to I consider selling it. Case and point, I bought a OD Wizard and sold it quickly because it just wasn’t my style. Was it a bad yoyo? Of course not, it just wasn’t my preference.
This reminds me that I have a few throws I’ve been considering selling since I have other yoyos in mind that I’d like to snag in the near future
For me it starts with the FOV case. I constantly buy, sell, and trade, but try to stay to only what fits in the case. Though I do keep a few extra for other, very specific reasons.
It’s never easy picking what to cut. Which just becomes more difficult every time I trim the fat. The decision is simply based on my play preferences at the time. I play everything I own in an even rotation. No room for shelf queens. So things like rarity hardly weigh in to what I cut.
All that said…I’ve got about 15 ready for market if you want the list…