How can I avoid my yoyo from being stolen in school?

This happens to me way to often… I only ever really yoyo when I’m at school after school. (there has to be a better way to word that, argh)

I don’t normally bring yoyos to school, but when I do, they’re always locked up in either my P.E. or regular locker.

(off topic, but I just thought of this:

I don’t normally throw yoyos at school . But when I do, I throw CLYW. [or any other brand] lol)

Buy a ONE!

Any time now there will be puns.

who wants ONE? i mean its not ONE of the best. eh?

i should be turned into a watermellon for those puns.

I thought it was “Can I Buy a Vowel, Pat” lol

dang this thread is so fun