Hey everyone. Need some help picking out a serious throw.

I completely understand. What do you think of the spin dynamics flow?

I agree, man. It was really tough just giving one yoyo for that answer!

I haven’t used it, but from a specs and design perspective it looks like you couldn’t go wrong with it.

I’m going nuts ! I’ve looked over all the yoyoed like 3 times lol 8 ???

LOL. Trust me, we have all been there ;D

What do you want in terms of play, do you have any solid idea? Fast and aggressive or more laid back and relaxed?

I think the Markmont Classic could be a good fit though, based on the earlier suggestions. Oh and to make things even more complicated, the new One Drop Rebirth hits next week which is looking like it could be quite good.

So basically I bought the horizon… Not really to fond of it. It’s oversized… Has a nice width. The diameter is a littler to big for me. Also it would be nice if it was smooth and quiet if that’s possible. I don’t find the horizon to be that. My opinion and I’m sure people love the horizon. I haven’t threw in a while so the fast or slow feel hasn’t hit me yet lol can’t really tell. So maybe that means the horizon is a slow play. Hope that helps. I know I’m a pain in the ass for you guys haha

Super stable, real long spin, relaxed style, medium diameter, and some good width <------ that is what I want

If you’re looking at onedrops that use side effects, my number 1 suggestion would be the Code 2. That is a phenomenal yoyo, easily a top 10 of mine. The Cascade and Markmont Classic also might be worth looking at, but the MMC is on the bigger end of the spectrum for yoyos, so if you didn’t like the Horizons size i might stay away from that one.

Yeah I was looking at that one. What is the play style ? The code 2 nautical

Perhaps check here for a review of it. HSYY also has a lot of reviews of other yo-yos that you might want to read over for some of the throws we are discussing.

Thanks all. I will make my decision soon and post it. Just in case anyone cares about it lol

After all of this discussion, I believe it is your duty to indeed inform us of your choice ;D

Cyber, can I ask one more question? For a medium diameter, good width, relax style, super stable, real long spin. Could you give me one more recommendations? Just for old time sake ? :smiley: lmao

That would be the downbeat. Crazy weight for stability and spin. Comfy in hand and with the weight it’s pretty relaxed. On the cheaper side and has side effects.

I have to agree with Sparhawk above. For me and the throws that I have actually used myself, you are describing the Downbeat :slight_smile:

And soon it might also be describing the Halyard!

What do u guys think of the c3yoyodesigns dymension?

I am afraid I have no real or second hand knowledge of C3 so I can’t comment on them, but I am sure others will be able to.

Here’s some safe options:

-Magic Yoyo M002 April (Best cost/value)
-YYF Shutter
-YYF 2015 Genesis
-OD Markmont Classic
-iYoyo Steel
-YYO Rave
-Yoyoworkshop Armament
-CLYW Chief
-CLYW Orca
-CLYW Scout

If I were you, I would just buy a Magic Yoyo M002 for now and then see where you want to move after…

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Not really feeling the magic. I hear a lot of the Markmount Classic. The steels are sold out except a silver color which isn’t worth buying lol. Armaments are nice looking…

As others around here could probably tell you, I am a huge fan of the Armaments but I am not entirely sure they would fit the description of what you are looking for. Fun throws, but quite light and more aggressive in terms of play style.

The CLYWs certainly have a great reputation, but they will push you outside of your desired price range and that probably isn’t necessary for what you are looking for.