Help Joseph win a $500 scholarship by VOTING!

I voted 3 times. I wont stop voting until you win :D. Hope to see you at worlds man!

Same here. I’ma keep voting. ;D

5 votes for you!

Hey joseph, gonna post the link to other forums!

3rd time voting!

i voted!

2nd time!



Welcome to the Forums Joseph!!! I voted!

Happy Throwign! =]

Boo, site blocked at work - to the lab!

Yay for the DSL line - voted!

Come on lets get him past that girl in the bikini on the skimboard! :smiley:

I voted!

I voted again! 3rd time! :smiley:

Dos votes.

Short end of the stick? Naw. I am simply clicking a couple of buttons to help out a fellow yoyoer.

voted twice!

Happy Throwing! =]

Yay! Joseph is here!!! I voted!!!

5 times! It doesn’t actually take 6 hours, only like 30 minutes, haha.

I voted but I maybe will see you at blc who knows

Yup, I really want the Sunsets!
Voted like…6 times or so.

What? You can vote more than once? That’s nice to know, now I can vote like 50 times!
