My name is Ken and I no longer yo. My first yo-yo was bought for me by my mother about 1958 or so. It was a yellow Duncan Imperial and I used it for many years. If I remember right it cost around 29 cents. Big money for a kid at the time.
I am no longer able to use a yo-yo due to my age. Over the years I have purchased many yo’s and still have them. I am hoping to sell them soon and want them to go to someone who will appreciate them.
I am going to attempt to post one photo that shows some that I have.
I just messaged you. Nice to meet you. Josh
Thanks for the welcome Josh!
Those are nice. Are you keeping a few favorites?
That is about the time I started to yoyo, also a Duncan.
I am definitely old and my hands are going downhill but I still love my yoyos!
I am really not planning on keeping any of them, but hard to let them go.
I used to walk the dog, rock the baby, and round the world, but really can’t now.
I have taken more then a few hits to the forehead over the years but was always able to carry on.
Welcome to the forums! Beautiful collection you have there!
Hey Ken…. Welcome back! You never stop throwing…… I’m 68 and I still toss when able!!
Still comes my soul enough to allow me to think and solve my life’s issues……
You have a great collection…. You should be put in touch with the yoyo museum & doc pop maybe….?
A few more of my yo-yo’s etc.
A few more. Note some of the photos overlap each other and may show the same yo-yo twice.
Some of these are fairly recent reproductions.
I think that is all for today!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection, and welcome!
Thanks all for the welcomes! Much appreciated.
Will try to wrap-up my photos today. First are mostly repro’s.
And miscellaneous.
That about covers it. I hope I have not bored everyone!
Good age, 68 - I just got there yesterday myself!
I guess I stepped on some forum rules, my error. Many of my yo-yo’s are kept up high and I have some difficulty with ladders, but have done a quick re-shoot or my yo-yo’s. My apology for not abiding by the rules.
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I hope I got all of them downloaded here.
Wow those are rare i love em. Hi im jeff
Not in 1958 and more like $1.29, but my first Yo-Yo was a Yellow Gold metal Imperial as well. Took all my net worth to purchase it. Still have it some 50 years later.
Hello Jeff! I mostly bought them a couple here and a couple there. never occurred to me that they would be collectable some day.
Bill F
Wish I still had my original Imperial. I really liked that yo-yo. I grew up in a small town of about 20,000 people, and Duncan Company, as far as I remember, never had a tournament there. I was not good enough to compete, but I sure wish I could have watched some yo-yo competitions.
Don’t know that you broke any rules. As far as I can tell you’re just showing what you have.