I just got a bunch of parts and stuff from Augie just for sending him my address!
I got two old never unpacked fixed axle yoyos.
Bought 3 peaks and a LB bassalope from Jensen a while back. One of the peaks was his custom painted hulk smash peak that he used in ‘In The Blue Corner’.
Well I just received something very awesome from JD. Don’t mark my words, but I might be one of the few people, possibly the first outside of team YYJ to receive one. And it’s gonna make a mark soon. Check soon for my first thoughts and later a full review.
Yes, money
That’s cool.
I assume buying your bearings?
Ive gotten some cool gifs from a few pros. I won’t say from who, because I don’t want people bugging them for free stuff. But there are some really nice pros out there who like to show appreciation to their fans.
Also, there is no problem at all with necro’ing a post, if there’s a reason. Necro’ing an old BST is dumb, but if you’ve got something to add to a subject or want to ask a question, there’s nothing wrong with a necro. Why start a new thread about smething, when you can just add to an old one?
got this from augie today
We got ours, got home late. Going to open in the morning… Like Christmas. Thanks Augie (Santa).
Chris from Duncan gave me a metal zero version 1,a mayhem and a drifter and the last spindox
Let’s see, I originally got a bag of classic throws (1999 Projam, Hurricane, Metal Zero v2, Two super-yo typhoons) from Paul Escolar, and a Free Agent from John Narum. Both are awesome people, I enjoyed the throws so much, and still do for what’s left.
Just got this Northstar from Augie! He’s the best guy. Can’t wait to see him at Worlds.
how are you guys talking to them like getting there email?
Does Andre count? Haha
No, Andre Boulay does not count! *
Author’s Note
INTENSE Sarcasm there, of course it does, silly
Did you just suggest he isn’t a professional?
The Horror!
Oh, Snap! That’s a felony punishable by…death by tickling! I dunno.