I just cut my thumb pretty severally on a mandolin. How do you guys deal with hand injuries? Planned on spendy my night throwing but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.
Practice your off hand so you can throw two in the future.
Super glue is good also if you have it on hand
Holy crud that sounds amazing. Upon first glance, it’s highly questionable. Upon closer inspection however, it remains mildly questionable.
This sounds like a bad idea though. I just leave my wound open and don’t do anything about it. If I don’t nag, it’ll probably go away on its own.
I thought this thread was going to be about hand injuries, not how to fix them though
My cut is deep. I can’t just glue it and call it a day. It will be bandaged for several days. I was looking more for ideas like learning one handed tricks or new videos to watch.
Does it have stitches? I’ve had cuts glued at the ER before, so that is a thing. But stitches are required for really big cuts.
It’s borderline stitches. My mother in law is a director of nursing and worked the er for years. She butterflied it and said it would be good enough so I didn’t spend my night sitting and waiting.
I also don’t think super glue is wound safe. It’s fine for a smaller cut. The blade went in it’s full depth which is about 2/3 an inch.
Don’t worry the french fries were worth the pain.
learn to loop? Shooting the moon and regens are particularly fun, especially on my new Deep State
As far as I’ve heard, super glue isn’t bad unless the wound is super open. I can’t picture how bad a 2/3 inch cut is, but i also wouldn’t put it once something that it would leak into. I usually use it for bad paper cuts and such.
I’ve heard about it being used in the battlefield for pretty major injuries though
When I hurt my right hand I just practiced left handed looping and kendama for a few weeks, got pretty decent at both. I doubt I would have practiced left handed loops otherwise lol.
You can practice ghost binds and one handed laceration binds!
Yes these are so much fun
I’ve used super glue many times when I’ve cut myself before a gig. I heard it was developed for medical use. A student of mine who’s skin was cracking, told me his dermatologist even told him to use it!
Lol, it took me awhile to get it. I was like, “How in the world did he get a deep cut from a mandolin?”
Mondolins are the worst!!! I’ve been cooking professionally for 10 years and have witnessed others and myself get wrecked on a mandolin. A bandaid and lots of tape always helped me get through a shift. Never tried to throw with a cut that bad yet though! Pro tip with mandolins, use a folded up towel to grip whatever you are cutting to provide a barrier between your hand and the blade. Or if you’re brave, use the base of your palm instead of your fingers. You can slide your palm against the blade of you don’t push too hard.
They are the worst but also the best for quick consistent cuts. I was cutting french fries on. One of the vertical blades got me. Several years ago a got my knuckle on the same mandolin full depth it was cutting.
I used to cook for a living before being a stay at home dad. It’s a great job.
I love it, it’s hard work for sure! But i doubt it’ll ever compare to being a dad! My wife and I were fortunate enough to have gotten the opportunity to open our own restaurant, so we don’t have time for any children. We just call our restaurant our baby lol
I like how we shifted from a musical mandolin to the cooking tool (right? is that what just happened?)
Laceration binds I say. I’m actually on here BECAUSE of a hand injury! I never thought about picking up a yoyo till I cut my hand and sliced some tendons on my index finger. Since I couldn’t play guitar during that time I needed something else. Auxy (to make music without my guitar) and a cheap little Duncan got me through.