Cuts on fingers

What’s the best way to deal with cuts on your fingers? I got cuts on my Yoyo hand fingers that won’t heal. I just got this athletic no-adhesive tape that looks like Yoyo tape, but the string doesn’t slide across it. I had some old bandaids on but they came off pretty quick. I can’t do gloves. About to go back to the store in a second to try something else, but there’s a ton of different tapes and wrap type stuff. I don’t want to try them all until I find one that works so thanks for any knowledge. Also they aren’t like fresh open wounds, they’re just exactly where the string goes sometimes and won’t heal.


I just kinda ignore them unless they actually bleed more than the standard one of two drops of blood. For like string burn i use latex gloves. They dont encumber the hand but they shield you from further flesh rubbing

Edit: I still suggest latex gloves because I too am not a glove person yet they still work fine for me. Might be worth a try for you too


Not much you can do tbh besides let them heal a bit and take preventative measures before it happens again. I start getting the same cuts as you when my hands are really dry, so I’ve started to use hand lotion a lot more to prevent it in the first place. Sometimes though I’ll forget, and my hands will be dry but I’ll still want to yoyo, so I bought those yoyo gloves here on YYE, and they’ve been awesome.

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Neosporin, bandaid, then a yoyo glove over the top of it. Don’t throw without it until it heals. The neosporin will help moisturize the area as well.

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Superglue works great. Use a small amount and squeeze cut shut while it dries. Moleskine is another solution. I’ve currently got an order out for finger tape for athletics and will update once I get to try that. Im old and Colorado is dry so my hands crack in the winter and I often have this issue.


Thanks y’all I’m off to the store for Neosporin and fresh bandaids and super glue. I got some gloves I can use, I just suck when I wear them and kinda feel like a dork. I’ll figure it out though. I do have hand lotion I used to wear but then I stopped because I got worried it was making my strings dirty idk if it was though. I’ll try the soft stuff first then go super glue if that’s too awkward with all that stuff on my hands.

I remember years ago when I started fishing I asked an older fisherman how to deal with the bass’ teeth when lipping them to de-hook or take a photo. He told me point blank “just don’t have woosy skin”. I will never forgot that lol.

But to answer your question, I usually just wait for any cuts to heal or put a bandaid over it.

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Wait for them to heal, then moisturize your skin! Sounds like you have cracked/split calluses.

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I put some sort of moisturizer like aquifer or however you spell it and a bandaid on my finger and keep playing


Yeah I think it’s cracked calluses

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“just don’t have woosy skin” lol. For this approach, simply compare your cuts to my throw hand index a year ago.


Keep throwing until it feels worse than this looks.


Geeesh that looks gnarly? Did you throw a super hard sleeper and lacerate it?!

And yeah, that was maybe the worse advice I was ever given. Ended up just buying a leather thumb glove.


Bro what did you DO???

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Braided stainless yoyo string. Nah, just got caught in a sawzall at work. Kicked back on me in an awkward left handed position and I did not have my hand on the safe side of the blade. Cut about halfway around the circumference of my finger but didn’t go very deep.


I use my gfs hand lotion. I may smell like rose pedals and lavender for awhile but I’ll be damned if I have cracked/cut fingers lol


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure. Moisturizing is key to preventing string burn and cracking.

I usually just use a band aid and neosporin on finger cuts. If it’s bad, put down the throw for a day and pick up something else, or maybe swap hands and stick to one handed play.


Cuts are great means ur throwing good lol


I second to this method, when I got laceration cuts on my finger I coat it with superglue to temporarily close the wound.


Stop and heal as all say.

As someone who has young kids (dish washing, hand washing from everything… dry environment), Aquaphor can be your friend. Will be cheaper than Neosporin and last a lot longer depending on size you buy. 14 oz tub lasts forever.

Is good to use on your hands at night before sleep to expedite healing and prevent cracking. Doesn’t need to be thick, evenly apply and wipe off excess.

If persistent problem, 3m micropore surgical tape is very good at keeping skin together and moisturized with aquaphor applied to tape after (is porous). Will stay on for general use, but is not good for throwing. Bandaids get expensive.

CeraVe cream is unscented and also good to use at night.


Thanks for all the recommendations! I’m definitely going to be better about keeping my hands moisturized because this has been annoying. I made sure my hands were clean and did the Neosporin and bandaids last night and that let me throw for a few more hours. I decided to try the super glue today (krazy glue-100% ethyl cyanoacrylate) because I was curious and this has been going on for like 5 days so the cuts(cracks) are healed enough that it isn’t going to get an infection or something. For anyone curious about the comparison, I think I’m a super glue guy. It’s the least distracting and feels kind of cool when in a state of yo. I’m also terrible about picking at things and can’t help pick at bandages on my fingers. This will also probably vary by the wound/how recent it is but seems great for where my fingers are at.