No it’s always been the cooking tool. I should of been more clear.
Whenever I use a mandolin I am always super careful and take forever with it. Ive been cut a few times on one, and it is never a fun experience. I tend to avoid them for the most part. I have a french fry tool that resembles one of those apple slicer/corer things that makes the most perfect looking french fries.
Last year during Thanksgiving dinner I was drunk/buzzed slicing the turkey, when my mother hands me “the proper knife”. Im like ok thanks (but the knife I was using was freshly sharpened), and I carelessly used it the same way as the other knife. Totally different balance point. I slipped and cut a huge gash in my left pointer finger base knuckle. I probably should have gotten a few stitches, but I was too busy trying to play down the severity of it so that the dinner with family went smoothly. Because of the pain I couldnt yoyo for two weeks. The dull ache from the cut lasted for over a month though, it was a pretty deep cut. I now have a nice inch-long scar right along the knuckle.
Whats a musical instrument got to do with…oh
got it.
I thought the French fry comment mad plenty of sense lol
It was that particular line where the penny started to drop.
Super glue like Krazy Glue is actually somewhat toxic and can further damage the tissue around the wound as well as cause irritation. Yes it was originally intended for medical use but they stopped because of the toxicity issue.
Medical super glue like Dermabond uses a different active ingredient that’s less toxic so it’s safe to use for minor cuts. It’s also antibacterial (which I don’t think Krazy Glue et al is).
I believe it’s spelled mandoline…
I’m actually glad you clarified this, I was really confused why the Mandolin was injuring so many people …
Wow how dumb I feel. It has been misspelled in my head my whole life. Good to know.
i now feel alot better, and not so dumb.
Many thanks codinghorror
A year or two ago I smashed my middle finger through a large vegetable dicer. It was crazy deep, went right through my finger nail and everything. Left a couple perfect squares on my finger that nearly went to bone. I just used a couple band aids for padding and a finger cot to keep them in place. It didnt impede my throwing to much.
Two weeks ago I got stiches in my thumb. Got careless while chopping onions. Was told that glue does not work well on the digits and a bad cut has to be stitched.
Man, I’ve been misspelling that word my whole life! Lol the instrument never even came to mind!
Also this is kind of fun. I cook for a living and have heard and seen a lot of this stuff. Kitchen nightmare story kinda stuff