Getting back into it, Dark Magic, Progessing well

Cool the Darm magic is a great throw, I can tell, you are going to be good,
Btw: i said darm magic becuase it sais it is your favorite…

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Ha Thanks Raphael I just fixed it. Those Darm Typos :wink: I’d love to get good ! the layout of the tricks in the learning videos seems to flow very well from one to the next.

Hey guys, I’ve enjoyed reading this thread— mostly cause it is kind of the older guys thread :slight_smile: or at least the dads. I have 3 kids myself, and my boys love watching me to (my wife not so much :slight_smile:

you have probably realized this, but knowing the different binding methods is really important. My favorite binding vid is though I’m still working on the rolling bind.

With work I don’t have a ton of time to practice, probably as much as you, but you’ll be surprised how fast you can progress. I’m in advanced 2 already and have only been doing this for 2 months. I’m so addicted that I’ve made my wife a list of yoyo stuff I want for xmas :slight_smile:

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i find the dave bind is the hardest but i can get like 95 % of the time, it just took the most practice

Hello well I finally am able to tell the difference in performance between worn and new strings lolol.

at first I did not and wondered why I should change them often, dang it’s like night and day. I LOVE how the new string feels

still using the poly stings form the store here.

and now my next question.

are there strings that last longer? are there better qualities in other strings, I’ve seen some expensive ones but am unsure of what you get for the price.

as much as I’m able to throw, I think a string every 3 days will work for me for now.

getting better at landing the trapeze now. split the atom is easier now to. just very exciting

You can buy 100 count polly strings for 11 dollars + shipping online. those help with costs

Yea 30+ ! Welcome to the funnest hobby on Earth! I’m also relatively new started with a Duncan Dragonfly and got a DM shortly after. Practicing whenever possible. You seem to be advacing quite well! I’m still stuck a bit on the split the atom but working on it without giving up. Everyone should yoyo its great for stress, and looks awesome when you’re pulling sick tricks! I also like the community , hope to make more new friends.

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Welcome to the Forums!

Welcome. yeah I’m having a blast so far. and this is VERY cheap compared to my other hobbies so I love it ( Wife loves it now as well lol )

I’m at work right now, just picked up the Pro-Yo II and swung 24 loops in a row. !!! I was blown away !. it just felt right. before I could get a couple loops then it would get all sideways on me, I assume practicing with the DM got me some more string control.

it’s very nice to be in this stage where you start noticing :

  1. how the string effects the play
  2. can land trapeze straight each time
  3. can throw the long straight sleeper.

I can tell the next phase is going to be easy to slide into.

all I can say to anyone new is to keep practicing. I only really get to practice for an aggregate total of about 30-40 minutes per day.

also do not try to perfect intermediate tricks. go thru the basics. then like I did try the beginning of some intermediate tricks to get a feel for what you will need to practice. if you stay motivated you’ll move quick up the ladder.

Totally left work without my DM and ProYoII :frowning: as soon as I got home I realized it. after about an hour I started to have phantom throw feelings lol. I told my wife that we had to go to Toys-R-US. so I just picked up a Freehand and a Pulse lol. what a crazy feeling. I guess I got attached to them already

over the weekend my 10 year old snagged the Freehand from me lol. since saturday he has learned to throw a gravity pull, and a sleeper and can now do forward pass pretty well.

I actually really like the feel of the freehand. ROTFL I tried the counterweight… not liking that at all, in fact I tried it for 2 days, and finaly decided I’ll never be into counterweighted play. so I took it off and now it’s “normal” hehe.

Also been throwing my ProyoII with my left hand, kinda of trippy. now I can land 3-4 loops left handed wich is a neat feeling.

Still very happy and enthusiastic about moving up the trick ladder. I think this week Im going to practice more binds with the DM, I just cleaned and de-shielded my bearing ( to sorta force me to learn binds lol )

Yikes, practicing Stop & Go’s, just got a bloody non-throw hand finger from it :frowning: ouch !!! lolol.

probably my first string burn. is this normal ?

Bleedin’ fingers is normal :wink: and don’t give up on counter weight!

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Now I see what you guys were saying earlier about this becoming expensive, it’s nothing compred to the Radio control hobby, but still none the less very addicting and pricey.

I now how a few yo-yo’s :slight_smile:

Dark Magic
Pro-Yo II
Turbo Bumbleebee
and now I just got a Velocity ( neat little plastic Yoyo, great feel out of the box )

and now have added a Cermaic bearing to the Dark Magic ( mostly because I just like high end materials, plus I wanted to see the effects of KonKave )

I think moving forwad once I finally figure out what my fav’s are, is to upgrade them to standard flat full ceramics. ( again, just because I love high end materials, normally I’m a carbon fiber whore )

Also I am 3D mech design engineer, so no doubt I’m going to be 3D modelling up and Photo-rendering some virtual Yo-Yo’s. is there a good thread to post that kind of stuff ?

Having a TON of fun with all this.

got Mach-5 down pat right now. working on Matrix now. :slight_smile:

Place you yoyo designs in the “Yo-Yo Artwork Exhibition”.

Matrix is very fun trick to do, very impressive once you can do it fast and smooth. :wink:

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Sweet thanks for letting me know where to post that stuff.

I nailed Mach-5 last night with the Velocity and have most of Matrix now, need to work more on the Double or Nothing big time.

Also try practising the second roll as well because it sort of stumped me when I was learning it lol. However practise your double or nothings until you can do it with you eyes closed, quite literally. :smiley:

EDIT: Btw I am looking really forward to your designs. :wink:

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Cool, I figured the yes closed test would be the one to say when it’s time to move to the next core manouver hehe.

it looks like the Matrix can utilize Velocity ramping techniques since it’s very reciprocal. speed up and slow down smoothly during the trick. I fly my helis like that, it’s a neat effect.

I need to do a tad more research on the yo-yo constants then I should be ready to 3D a few in CAD.

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