Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Okay, I just dusted off my OG Weekender, threw it once, and put it back down.

Decision Made.
One Throw July completed.
One yoyo one throw.


One July Conclusion: I set out with the goal of learning a new trick every day with my G2 beater banshee, and while I didn’t quite achieve that goal, I did learn a ton of new tricks (~37 new tricks in total) Here’s the video I took at the beginning of the month:

These are all the tricks I learned:
Day 1: One handed grind bind
Day 2: Bind Interception and toss over (original 5a trick)
Day 3: Tower Stall (5a)
Day 4: The Dorito
Day 5: Prayer Catch (5a) and Keymaker Whip
Day 6: “Easy speed yoyo trick for noobs”
Day 7: Slingshot GT
Day 8: Chopsticks tower, Chopsticks to double or nothing, Jump rope type bind, Kamikaze mount, pulldown bind (5a), The DNA, Heart slack
Day 9: Kamikaze
Day 10: Slap Bind
Day 11: Underwater Basket Weaving
Day 12: Ghost Bind
Day 13: Green Revolution
Day 14: Chuck Norris’s Beard
Day 15: Electric Triangle
Day 16: Basic slack bind
Day 17: N/A
Day 18: Seismic slam
Day 19: Grind through a triangle, Reverse Brent Stole
Day 20: Leg Wrap Trap, Zach Gormley Neck trick
Day 21: Star to tower picture trick
Day 22: 3D gyro flop, Vertical Laceration bind, Arm stall bind
Day 23: Underwater Basket Weaving Variation
Day 24: Kamikaze 2
Day 25: N/A
Day 26: Yuuki Slack
Day 27: N/A
Day 28: N/A
Day 29: Slap Whip
Day 30: String bounce whip
Day 31: Freestyle combo
Today I combined all my favorite tricks that I learned this month into a short 30 second freestyle combo. It took a lot of attempts to get this video just right. Enjoy:

The combo is: The end of seismic slam, into chuck Norris’s beard, into an underwater basket weaving variation, into green revolutions, into the slap bind.

Thank you to everyone who helped host the event and those who encouraged me to keep learning tricks even when I failed. This month has been awesome, and I can’t wait to see what we do next!


One throw july
Its now 1st August
My goal was to see if i should sell yoyos and only stick with bare minimum
I ended buying 2
And i still want more
Time to throw these around


I’m thinking of staying up till midnight tonight. :smiley::rofl:


I haven’t done that for anything in years. I did think of it earlier, too, but I’m not even going to attempt it. I did string a bunch today, in … w a i t…an…tici…pation!


@Afkor Dude - first off…killing it! Congrats on the progression and determination to stick with that accelerated level of learning!

I like the thread in the background of your first video - nylon?

Would love to see some homemade stuff!


Haha yeah it’s nylon thread. Actually this whole month I’ve been giving out strings to people, if you’d like one then visit this thread and make a request, I think my designs are pretty cool: Set Bonus Strings (Twists, Fades, and Blends) (Free Samples)


Yeah all y’all who made it are nuts. I didn’t even try :rofl: props to everyone who made it thru​:saluting_face:


So apparently @Glenacius_K is a Saint from the yoyo gods!

I DO get to throw something else tomorrow! Not isolated to ONE for the next month.

Ironic? Coincidence? That I threw a SW Red Blood Cell for the Month and my savior is a SW Dead 'Orse.


I feel much more happy for you now. :rofl:


From these could only be 1July…

and Its almost a wrap…

I will say that I had somewhat of an advantage as I was in Europe for 3 of the 4 weeks. That said, it was a bit difficult to take just one throw but that was the challenge at hand. I chose the unreleased Alchemik Helsing. (Tyrant big brother C-Bearing and a banger!) (edit: I took 6 yoyos. 1x Helsing, 4x WHiP for giveaways, 1x Silenus in case of lose or catastrophe)

I quite enjoyed playing just one throughout the month. It offered a lot of time to really get familiar with the play. My binds are CRISPY at this point and regens are getting fairly refined. I did have one dream where I sat on Helsing and collapsed the rim. I woke in a panic! lol.

A couple of days into the trip I decided that I wasn’t going to learn any new tricks. I would be set on just polishing what I already know. I actually ended up playing a TON of front style and knocked out some pretty cool brain twister action.

First spot was Paris. Words cant explain the history and beauty. I really had no idea so if you get the chance I highly recommend a visit. This was the balcony that awaited every morning.

Second spot was Leiden, Netherlands. We stayed with friends and lived the local life. Riding bikes and yoyoing around town was very special. My apprentice Peter pulled off his very first bind! Full disclaimer: Before I realized it, I was throwing the WHiP to help Peter recall the proper throw. It had been a few years since we last practiced and his technique needed help. I was so excited, he was so excited, I totally lost track on 1July. I wasn’t too worried and got right back on track.

Last stop was London. These are a few shots from the Cotswolds.

Tomorrow morning, first thing, I will be stringing these up with great anticipation. I’m SO excited for Canopy AL! I picked up Otter (BST) while in Europe.

Thanks for the cool challenge!


Mine is in the states, but hasn’t arrived yet! It is not as if I have nothing to throw, though!


You did it! You win!!!


:rotating_light: :rotating_light: :rotating_light:
:rotating_light: :rotating_light: :rotating_light:

Here is a form for you to fill out if you would like to receive your golden completion stickers!!!


I’m going to let this sit for a little so no pressure to get to it right away. I’ll post an update giving a last call before I start writing on envelopes.


That image at the bottom of the form is awesome :pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers:


You can thank @Son-of-Morris for that!


Well @Son-of-Morris thank you for gracing my eyeballs with that incredible artwork :pray::pray: my brain will not forget it anytime soon :joy:


I filled mine out! Thanks so much for making a prize for this!

I’m so tired after yard work today that I’m probably not even gonna throw again till morning anyway. ONE July complete! :triumph:


Just 25 more minutes. :smiley:


Oof I still have 3 hours and 25 minutes.