General Yoyo Thoughts

Agreed. A lot of hobby sites with an international presence I’ve been on have dedicated subforums for international members, ex:

Part of the reasoning I feel though is moderation – it’s hard to moderate threads in a language you don’t speak, and it’s extra work on top of moderating the rest of the forum which is done on a volunteer basis. But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done or completely dismissed. Maybe a prerequisite before establishing a subforum or thread for the language could be designating someone as a “mod” for it? I’m not sure how flexible Discourse trust levels are though since it’d require something like the “Legend” but able to be limited to a single thread or subforum.


I was going to suggest the same thing. I don’t think the thread mod would need to be an actual mod, they could simply advise the real mods. And we have plenty of Spanish speakers that could help with a Spanish language thread.


It seems to me that there are an awful lot of LF (looking for) posts for yoyos that aren’t in production. I guess most of the existing in-stock yoyos are chopped liver… :wink:


You know what I don’t like? I see posts that say ‘A-RT Grail for Trade’. It makes me think I can finally get my hands on a metal A-RT yoyo.

Then, when I open the thread is always the same story: “looking to trade my Grail for another A-RT yoyo”.


This reminds me of another annoyance… A lad posted he was looking for a Grail on the BST which attracted a post from another who had exactly what he wanted but only to inform him that he wasn’t going to let it go.


I saw that! Wanted to thank him for being so helpful.


Quite. I have had the same, people PM’ing me that they have the yoyo (it was a Peak) but they’re not going to sell it. Waste of time. I imagine that it’s a boastful thing?


The height of jerkdom.


I dont know. Maybe folks get needlessly excited to talk about stuff someone else might want.
It gives me peak “convince me to sell it to you” energy.


BST is a wierd place. Hahahahahaha


You could always get a Life. A-RT/G2 collab yoyo. They seem easier to get than the other models and play great

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i had not seen that, but that does have a bit of grandiosity to it

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Can someone explain the demand/fascination for YWET throws? They are before my time in the hobby, so I have no experience with them. They just seem like old designs that were very well manufactured, but that’s about it. They don’t really stand out in any way to my eyes. Extremely well made yoyos of excellent design are abundant today, so what else do they have to offer?


I’d be interested to see what others say as well. Personally I love them because (to me) they play really really nicely and have an old school feel (full size, slim, high wall) while being more modernly playable. There’s also the Anti-Yo hype around them because it was the last yo-yo they made (since the Küntosh is a One Drop x Sonny thing and not a One Drop x Anti-Yo release) and it has design influences from their first model, the Fluchs. For me, the YWET was the first Anti-Yo I ever touched or saw in person (at Worlds '09) and back then it was just a rumor that it existed. I always wanted one but went off to college and stopped paying attention to yo-yos for several years a few months before the Side Effects ones were released by One Drop.

There are tons of well made yo-yos and designs, but not many that I’ve seen that hit the same design points the YWET does (slim, full size, high wall). The closest recent one I’m aware of is actually the One Drop Panorama, another yo-yo that has a lot of hype surrounding it. The YWET is a bit bigger (57m vs 55mm) and weighs 4 grams heavier, but they’re similarly slim (~38mm).

I’m going to try this later to see if the theory holds up and this is entirely conjecture but you might be able to very, very roughly approximate how a YWET plays with a Panorama by using flat caps or the new MCMO side effects in a Panorama instead of the Lego ones it ships with; flat caps would put the Panorama up around 63.75g which is a bit closer to a dumb metric I came up with, ratio of weight to “volume”, extremely roughly approximated by assuming the yo-yos were perfect cylinders. It’s definitely not going to be completely similar since the YWET is a slightly bigger throw, but it might be fun to try out if you have a Panorama and flat caps.


@Isaac nails it here above. The other attraction to the YWET (YoYos Will Eat Themselves) besides the Anti-Yo factor is that there are a lot of different versions and special additions that also gives it more of a collectability desire as well to collect them all. I have several and would like more. As a side note I feel a “Poor Mans YWET” is the Duncan Metal Zero V2 (2007) version if you can get it tuned unresponsive right as it has similar weight distribution.


I too was mystified. I like organics and recently got one of the hardcoat ywets from recess(very recently so opinions might change with further play).
The first thing I noticed was that it played lighter than expected. Its 68g and I was expecting slow and thunky. This isnt that.
Its not super special or ground breaking or anything by todays standards. Plays good. Feels good in the hand. Binds well. Its a good yoyo that you can no longer get very easily. Thus I feel people covet it more.
What is definitely super special tho is the finish. I have no clue why we dont see more hardcoat finishes. It feels and looks so good. Are they hard to manufacture? I wanna see more of these.

Also the brand has a certain cool factor noone can properly explain.


I am similarly mystified by why “Bape” yoyos give so many yoyoers the vapors.

I think a lot of this comes down to when a person got into yoyos, and therefore what brands/models became burned into their brain as “cool”, “must-have” throws from their past.

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So reporting back, to me the Panorama with flat caps actually does play very surprisingly close to a YWET, definitely recommend giving it a shot if you have one and a pair of flat caps.

I really like @edhaponik’s take on it, below are the blog posts they linked so you don’t have to click through:

That’s also part of it, hardcoat anodizing (Type-III anodizing) grows on the aluminum thicker (which gives it its resiliency) than Type-II (“regular”, the stuff we know and love) so it’s more likely to introduce vibe. It’s also a different process and not all shops are set up to do it since it requires keeping the parts at a cooler temperature and is just generally a more expensive process. I reached out to Gruntbull to see if they could do it, they said they could but that they wouldn’t bother unless the order was for a thousand dollars or more because it just wasn’t worth their time and effort. This site has a good overview of the differences

(also if you ever decide you want to get rid of your hardcoat YWET @Upmanyu hit me up and i’ll make it worth your while :wink: )


I have two hardcoat Kuntoshes. The finish is nice, sure, and I suppose the durability is a plus. But to me they aren’t different enough from my other Kuntoshes to make me seek out hardcoat finishes as a general rule. I guess I’m just one of those people who just doesn’t “get it” when it comes to Anti-Yo and YWET yoyos. :man_shrugging:


Re: the Bape it’s another product of its time, undersized organic throw with a killer colorway that’s become iconic. Personally I’m not a huge fan of how it plays but I can’t deny that I think it’s cool, the colorway just… works. So seeing them now is a nostalgia trip.

As for hard coats, I like them because you don’t see many of them out there and I think they’re cool from a technical perspective; the extra durability (even if it’s not that much more) makes me more inclined to carry one around as an EDC.

I know who to look towards to find a hardcoat Kuntosh now at least if you ever want to part with one of yours :wink: