General Yoyo Thoughts

If you are on the YYE forum you are super cool by default Chris! :wink:


I was never one of the kool kids.


Amen, it is so frustrating to see a cool yoyo pic and have no idea what it is. An awful lot of these look close to the same.


i have a couple zip lines kicking around
lace them up sometime

the diamond blends that come w/g2, those are zipline, correct? i really like those


Not trying to jump into a conversation, but I’m pretty sure that’s right.

Zipline also makes the Prestige lines for Nate Martsolf, in white and black, and those are some of my favorite strings lately (I think they included one of those with the latest Batsquatch).


Correct Diamond blend is Zipline


Oh I love the Prestige just got a pack of the white Nate ones


I’m not gonna click the heart if the yoyo is not identified.


I also really like the white Nate Martsolf Prestige strings. Would welcome more color choices. Bought a few packs of the Skyline III a couple weeks ago, and I’ll be buying a bunch more of those. They cost a little more, but they seem to last forever. Zipline is doing amazing work. Their yoyos rock, too - I got a BMC off the BST, and it’s a gem.


Yea, I was thinking the same thing about the Prestige colors. I couldn’t get into the Skyline III for some reason. A little stretchy for me. I think I’m going to come back to them in a little bit after I’ve (hopefully) improved a bit, see if I have a different opinion then.

The BMC is amazing! Check out the Ist, too, I think they’re doing another release of those sometime soon. That’s quickly becoming my favorite undersized throw.

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They recommend stretching the Skyline IIIs. It reduces the bounciness and adds several inches to the string.


There needs to be a “The Pedal Movie” for yoyos. So good. The focus on the effects pedal as a sort of magical and iconic object reminds me of how it’s like that for yoyos too.

Imagine that the focus is on the object itself, the yoyo
 a little history of the origin of yoyos
 history of Duncan, Yomega, Tom Kuhn
 a bit about the 90’s boom
 Yoyojam, Dif-e-yo
 Yoyofactory, CLYW
 Yoyorecreation, One Drop
 then getting into boutique era
 oh yeah, can’t forget Anti-Yo
 and so on, with extensive interviews with the makers about specific iconic yoyo designs, interviews with huge collectors about their obsession, checking in with key players about what yoyos really inspired them to throw, what yoyos helped them perform confidently, what ones they just throw for fun, etc

For example, I want to see an interview with CLYW Chris about the trials and tribulations of getting the Peak made. How some of the first ones were made in an oil industry machining shop (if I recall correctly). How the machine shops never got it quite right. Then flash to well-lit shots of chipped Levi-painted OG Peaks and flat-nippled 28 stories.

Story of the introduction of bearings. Different types of yoyos. Response groove. Schmoove groove. Unresponsive play. Concave bearings.

The first time the 888 was used in competition.


Plenty of stories there, all centered around the object itself, the yoyo.



This thread being closed is wack. As a native spanish speaker who has done his best to fit into this community this makes me feel unwelcome as heck. I understand y’all have your rules but not allowing foreign language expression feels
 very weird in the least pleasant way.

And no, we do not have other places to go. The yoyo community is small. The spanish yoyo community is a microscopical fraction of an already small community.

I know i have not been as active here as i have been in the past anymore. This doesnÂŽt exactly provide me with good motivation to stay here at all really.


Pretty positive the guidelines are asking that ‘public’ posts are kept English language so a majority of members are able to read them.

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I know. I just found myself wanting to comment and interact on that thread and couldn’t just bc of language.



I’ve missed your posts. You post on IG as well so i see what you post but i know a bunch of your adoring fans don’t have IG.
Porfavor AMIGO! Te extrañamos😉. keep posting here bro.


I dunno
 I get the rules but it seems to me that having a specific thread for folks to just chat in X non-English language would be fine so long as we keep the forum in general English. I totally get wanting to keep things uniform in general posts, BSTs, etc. But heck, not even the US has an official language. And we on YYE effectively do.


I felt that it was handled in a less than respectful way, @jhb8426.

It would be nice if the mods would take a fresh look at this rule. If you’re willing to accept money from non-English speaking customers, then it seems like those same non-English speaking customers should have a space to communicate in their native language on the forum.

I realize that not everyone who is a member of the forum purchases from YYE, but it seems like the ability to participate in the forum in a meaningful way will naturally draw more customers and benefit the community.


as a native English speaker living in a foreign country that doesn’t speak English language I am constantly ostracized for , 1- not being native 2- not being fluent in said language. it sucks, and is totally off putting.

there should be threads dedicated to foreign languages if wanted. I could see if maybe foreign language was rampit in all threads and comments. then I could see how that might be a problem for guidelines. but the forum should be as inclusive and community driven as possible

there is yoyo contests all around the world that brings people from all corners together. a forum should be the same


The only issue I see with foreign language posts is moderation. If the mods cant read your posts they cant help when things go wrong
 If someone reports a post for hate speech they wont really know what to do at that point. You’d need a mod who speaks the language.

I understand where you’re coming from wanting to interact in your own language but I dont see how one would achieve that. Maybe we get a mod for every language that wants their own thread