General Yoyo Thoughts

My guess is you’re throwing too hard and not letting the spin die down before returning. I have the same issue

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Yeah that could be it for sure. I definitely do that when learning new tricks trying over and over.

Mate how your hand feel when you wake up in the morning? Be careful to do not trigger carpal tunnel, every hour take some pause and relax your muscles a bit


Good I think, once in awhile my wrist will hurt if I sleep on it in a weird way. It’s the power of the Nucleon man, it sounds like a baseball hitting an aluminum bat when I bind sometimes. Ha

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Hey friend! I’m actually a professional certified personal trainer of 9 years; let me be the first to explain you may actually be creating a small trigger point/knot.

Symptoms of forearm extensor/flexor knots = tingling or locking up in fingers.

I had a nasty experience where I used way too much weight on the cable machine over 15 years ago now, and my thumbs on both hands locked up the following morning. As a guitar player, this didn’t fly! This was because of the trigger point in my extensors on my forearms; the body’s way of essentially back-door protecting itself from pushing to an actual breaking point.

I pulled too much weight and created a knot/trigger that needed to be worked out.

Once I did this, it was like it never happened.

Massage both sides of your forearm deeply on the affected side and chill from throwing or stressing it for a bit.

I DO have additional resources if this vibes with you just PM me.


I’ve adjusted my posture and my work setup to be more ergonomic and it’s helped allot with wrist fatigue. I used to get carpal tunnel issues all the time and resort to my brace but it’s been allot better with proper support while typing and using a mouse. Sometimes my hands decide not to work regardless especially when it’s cold


Thanks for all that info. It’s not so much my forearm, it’s like my pointer and thumb, like where I hold the yoyo, gets this weird pain randomly. The best way I can describe it is like a cramp. You think massaging it will help?

I guess my long-winded point is just because it’s your thumb that hurts, doesn’t mean that’s where the actual pain is originating from! Knots = referential pain. I.E. a place in your forearm may very well be tight and causing the pain your thumb! Yes, absolutely massage your forearms out.


I got you thanks. I was confused since I was talking about my wrist prior. Appreciate the help. I am going to do that.

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@Tricksyouforgot44 pointed out the “Breakaway Stare” today to me. Almost a year and a half in and I never noticed. :sweat_smile:


I need to do this with my throws that need work.
Great idea thank you for sharing


This idea goes through phases for me. Sometimes I have just a box, sometimes a shelf, sometimes a part of my desk or around my printer.

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I didn’t realize how often I’ve been on here….


You could have learned diesel engine repair in less time!


Let’s face it, there’s a lot of things we all could have learned if we didn’t pick up a yo-yo.


I got that too, theres only 120 of us!


I’m right behind you bro!! :smiley:


This made me want to check mine lol



I’m happy to see we are all mentally well and flourishing.