General Yoyo Thoughts

I’ve come to realize I truly prefer brass rims over stainless steel. Brass supremacy. Make more brass rimmed yoyos please.


This makes me realize that of the hundreds and hundreds of yo-yos I have bought, Ive never had a brass rim I don’t think. Need to try one I guess.


Highly reccomend! I love how solid they feel and the added stability. I’ve had quite a few and tend to prefer them over their SS counterparts. go grab a Brass exia to start :smiley:


Used to have an Exia, but it was an SS. Fun throw.


Get a Miracle. Looooooooooooooove the Miracle!


Brass hummingbird was honestly very surprising to me after kinda disliking the SS version.

Same with the exia.


I’ve been wanting to try a populist but I also have never tried brass rings and the only color I want is that version, might have to give it try sooner than later.


A bit (AKA, around 8 years) late to the party, but just learned that one of my favorite games of all time had a collab with one drop and I am utterly exploding in joy!


What causes every single new yoyo’s bearing I get to become responsive within the first hour? This has happened with every brand of yoyo I have tried new basically. My best guess is maybe the lube bunches up from sitting so long from the time it was made until it was finally first used? Thinking in terms for newer players not knowing how to clean a bearing I guess it’s a good thing to learn but also could make them just quit. Random thought I been thinking about…


My second post here all them moons ago i thought i broke a brand new jojo, I just figure like you do that it’s built up lube/grit.


Ha yep I made a very similar post back around January. Two bearings went responsive within the first hour each. I thought it was just a pixel bearing thing until recently. I’ve now had it happen with three pixels, one yoyofriends, and one yoyofactory bearing. I will say iYoYo was very helpful with the situation. They responded on Instagram saying they use dark matter lube on pixels which I think may be clumping up. I am not sure if that’s what the issue is with the other brand bearings. I just don’t understand why they don’t fix it.

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If it happens now I just do as I have since the day of that post. Pop them shields off and throw em in the trash, shake in a shot glass of iso, blow dry with compressed air, reinstall and enjoy the loud bearings :blush:


I own the brass Exia and know the miracle exists too. What other brass yoyos have you tried?

That’s probably a good thing in hindsight. Means the bearing came lubed in the factory. Annoying but needs to be broken in perhaps.

I love the miracle too! Highly recommend it at BST prices (less than 100). I’ve also tried the G2 elite brass, G2 brass Banshee, G2 brass Valhalla, Dressel/Damian Pucket Brass fusion. I love them all. Next to the Exia i think the valhalla and elite are my next two favorite brass throws.


I just assume that any new yoyo I get has a bearing that’s been sitting in storage for a thousand or so years, so the first thing I do is clean and re-lube it. Unless it’s a concave, then I throw it away and replace it with a Pixel.


I don’t know about you but I don’t think it’s a good thing to get nailed in the hand with a sharp rimmed edge fs 2.0 waiting for the bearing to break in/finding out it became responsive.

I actually acetone all them once they become responsive and run them dry affer. I haven’t had any issues playing well over 100s of hours with them. Might be better off without the lube honestly.

Wow, you really love brass. I don’t blame you although they are typically heavier than SS rings.

Happened to my edge FS when I bought mine. Took 20 minutes of play and no problem.

20 minutes playing responsive that you didn’t want to that you’ll never get back in your life.

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