General Yoyo Thoughts

One thing that I have been wondering is whether a Bad A$$ from China is really Bad A$$?

I really want to get a hattrick I just need to budget better keep losing focus and paying bills or buying food or signing my kid up for baseball or the other one for ballet or the wife buys a new purse. Next thing I know my moneys gone.

A conversation last week with the wife was about how she really needed a new plastic doodad to sort her recipe pages for easier access. They are laminated in a binder isnā€™t that good enough? Noā€¦ also some plastic thing to hold eggs in the fridge. We too good for an egg carton? Apparentlyā€¦

Not worth the fight though. Never worth the argument.


I want Ernie to make them himself just like the old daysā€¦ā€¦


Im pretty sure my girlfriend has started to purposely stand right next to me so I canā€™t throw my yoyo when she wants my full attention when Iā€™m in the middle of a yoyo session. I been curious if sheā€™s doing it on purpose or if she just doesnā€™t realize and Iā€™m not going to ask. :skull_and_crossbones:


Sounds like the perfect opportunity to learn some frontstyle and behind the back so you can yoyo no matter where sheā€™s standing :fire:


Thatā€™s what I start doing is front style sometimes when she does that :joy: I really only know the basics like pop n fresh and boingy boing. Im gonna have to start learning more.


NGL this sounds like itā€™s probably worth asking aboutā€¦

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I think as soon as I ask she will take it as me being annoyed she is standing there either way. Dangerous conversation.


Best option is if she wants your full attention, you should give it to her. She prolly deserves it. Also my wife does this too and I know sheā€™s not doing it on purpose. I told her sheā€™s gotta give me a warning before coming into my Yoyo space while theyā€™re spinning tho bc Iā€™ll get murdered if I hit her w a Yoyo.


Bro if you ever accidentally hit her with that 80g Hades itā€™s you thatā€™s catching a murder charge Iā€™m afraid


Lol nah itā€™s only 80g like not much worse than 65gs. I been hit with it enough to know that now. aint no thing either really like .2 lbs is so little weight


Anyone else ever get in the loop where you play with a yoyo because it has fresh string, ruin the string, then just move on to the next yoyo with a fresh string because youā€™re too lazy to put a fresh string on until eventually most of your yoyos just have junk string? And then you have a 30 minute project of putting on fresh string?

Just me? :skull:


I do this with string bearings and pads :joy: I have at least 15 yo-yos with dead bearings that I have to clean eventually.


I mean thatā€™s one way to get use out of all your yoyos :rofl:

But yeah I do this with bearings for sure.


I do this with bearings lol

Opposite here. I canā€™t put a yo-yo down until it is in condition to pick up again and play right away. Playable string with neutral tension, no bearing or pad issues.

The only exception is one that I am moving out of the rotation entirely, in which case I remove the string.


I do this when I get a nasty knot and Iā€™m just like nah Iā€™ll deal w that later.

100% I have a box of yo-yos that need maintenance when box is full I do the thing. Till then play on.

Speaking of nearly fullā€¦


This is basically the primary reason I rotate loopers at least daily.

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Yes this is the excuse for having like 12 sets of loopers. Lol

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