General Yoyo Thoughts

I do one at a time, in that I don’t have pre-cut strings at the ready. I do have several yoyos strung up at any one time, though.

It’s interesting you ask this, I’ve been considering doing several strings at once, to try to get consistent lengths. I struggle with cutting them the same length. Especially given the stretch factor.


It does make for a little more consistent string length, but unless you’re taking the time to actually measure each one out before you cut and tie they’re always gonna be a little off. I don’t have a specific go-to length or anything, long as it’s close to the middle/bottom of my sternum I’m good lol. I prefer slightly longer for 1a and a little shorter for 5a and fixie


My Hydrogen Crash needs new response pads, a new bearing, new everything. Have had bad luck with strings and am generally in a rut


I was visiting my folks this afternoon and both of them felt the need to point out the fact that all my tricks look the same as last time they saw me, and that they’re waiting for a routine synced to music. So if anyone needs me I will be at home practicing 12 hours a day nonstop for the next oh idk, year or so. I guess it’s World’s or bust in this family.

I hope everyone knows they were just messing around and so am I, didn’t mean for it to sound so serious or like I was really gonna start grinding every day like that lol. It is good motivation to keep learning new stuff all the time though. I get too comfy with what I already know


Didn’t you bounce one off your Dad’s Shelby? :joy:


Flying Panda to the windshield from about 50-60 ft up. Cracked and split it in all different ways, one of the worst days of my life. :joy:


Fun yoyo story today - First off, I work at a theme park. Park was open tonight and I decided to take advantage of it being open and hit up some rides after I got off work. As I was walking with one of my friends and showing him some tricks, I see this other random guy with a yoyo. When I see somebody else with a yoyo, it’s a calling. I walked by and was throwing some sleepers when he noticed. Turned out, it was a father of a 6-year-old kid who was playing with it while waiting for his kid to get off the ride. We chatted a bit and waited for his kid to get off. Had a 6-year-old learning thrower who had a decent throw and bind. Always a fun surprise when you run into other folks with yoyos…it’s hard to come by.


I have never seen someone playing in the wild. I imagine it would be immediate best friends lol


We all know how satisfying that super snappy bind is, but something I dont see mentioned is a really good clap on the catch. Only happens when theres a nice strong (hopefully snappy af) bind, then you have to execute a catch with a perfectly shaped hand to cup the yoyo and make the clap. Sounds and feels like a perfect hi-five.

V nice every time


Right! It’s really frustrating to me when I do a nice combo and seemingly perfect bind only to have the yoyo bounce off the palm of my hand. It’s the same for me with anything athletic that requires some kind of thing to be caught.


Everybody always talks about how good ti/steel sound on binds, but nobody ever mentions how they sound like flicking a half empty can of soda on the catch.


Had that video on a loop for a little bit, lots of nice yoyo noises in there lol. I love Ti yoyo sounds lol, they even amplify the sound of the outer race of the bearing during over/underpasses


I think yoyo comps should be on official betting apps just like sports.

I wanna get on like FanDuel and go “okay tight, Evan Nagao is at -100 to win Worlds i’m all in baby.” Maybe a little parlay where I’m betting his over/under final routine score, how many misses he’ll have etc. Just have all these people hella upset at someone’s routine because they know they just lost money lmao.

No in all seriousness what a horrible idea.


I was always told that you can bet on anything at a vegas sportsbook. I would like to watch competitions with color commentators.


Lately I’ve been feeling pretty down about where I’m at in yoyo. I’m sure some of you guys are this way about stuff in life too but to put it bluntly, I hold myself to ridiculous standards and expectations with most things and apparently yoyo too. And when those aren’t met, I get extremely discouraged, to the point where I’ve thought about quitting these past few weeks. I feel as though after 7 months I should be a lot further along than I am. But, today my lovely gf and I were talking about it at lunch and she reminded me of some things.

-when I started again in late July after 10+ years away, I forgot literally everything I previously knew and could hardly throw a trapeze still. (I really thought that ish was gonna be like riding a bike, it was not).

-I don’t usually have a lot of time to really grind and practice for hours a day like some people do (no hate guys, I’m jealous if anything)

-when I do have the time, I spend more of it looking and planning on what yoyo I’m going to get next instead of just using what I have to practice/learn (this one kinda stung but the truth hurts lol)

-everyone learns at their own pace.

-yoyo is supposed to be FUN. If you’re not having fun then what are you really doing?

-she’s gonna learn the basics and such from me so I have someone to throw with (yes I’m going to marry her someday)

So yeah long story short I’m not quitting. I am going to start enjoying myself more and having fun though. Maybe a little less time on the forum and tutorials and more “just pick up a yo-yo and play with it” kinda thing. So if I’m not as active as I’m usually am for awhile (not that I think anyone cares lol) that’s why! If anyone else is feeling like this or is stuck in a rut when it comes to yoyo I hope some of this helps. :v:


I think this is a really good way to go about it. And the funny thing is, if you practice yo-yo in a way you enjoy, I bet you’re likely to do it more, and actually end up improving faster despite yourself!


I feel this. I’ve been throwing for almost 5 years, and I’m nowhere near where I’d like to be, skill-wise. Just as long as you’re having fun with it, it’s worth it!


Hey, another lefty thrower! :sunglasses: :heart:


Mr. Lefty,

A lot of great points.

I imagined myself being further down the road than I currently am.

Adulting comes first; Family/Kids, Job, Animals on the ranch…

At this point in life/progression, being where I would like to be is almost dilusional. I just dont have the time to invest.

However, my 7 year old daughter set a great example for me. While Im trying to learn tricks, getting frustrated, she is just over there throwing Gravity Pulls.

Pure happiness just having a yoyo go up and down. No cares in the world, just caught up in the moment.

Ah ha moment! Its about the joy!

I have found my self throwing every day. Some times its just simple Gravity Pulls, Forward Passes and Breakaways. Other times picture tricks or a Brain Twister.

I have focused less on moving forward and more on the now.

Someday, I may be able to pull off a intermidiate trick. But now, I am not in a hurry to get there.

Hope this little experience of mine helps.

“Have Fun!”


Funny they call it breakaway. Because that’s kinda what I see it as. A break away from whatever it is we should be doing. Because there’s always things to do.

@LeftyThrower24 – the time you spend not playing with a yoyo but thinking about yoyo’s is time well spent if you’re enjoying yourself. we’re just killing time. I really felt that though, thanks for sharing.