General Yoyo Thoughts

Even Coca-Cola thought New Coke was going to be the next best thing.


What I think is new is that it takes so long to re-stock if they do not have enough. In the old days you would just put in a new order. Now you need to get in line at the busy Chinese factories.

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Today, iā€™ve learned a new yo-yo term. I was throwing with my stepdaughter and she was trying some of my yo-yos. When she put them back in the case, she arranged them in a special order.
I asked her about the meaning. She said:ā€œThe bottom row are the Hard-Binders.ā€
I chuckled and even if the answer was obvious, I had to ask whatā€™s a Hard-Binder.
ā€œA yo-yo thatā€™s hard to bind! Quite simple!ā€


yall ever justā€¦ get an axle knot on the first throw of the sesh?


then pick it, go to restart and bind only to get another one.


The pain


Dudeā€¦ Idk what it is recently, but there is an unusual amount of great looking expensive performance-based yoyo drops that either just happened or are going to happenā€¦ itā€™s hard to keep up with from an informational and financial standpoint lmao :sweat_smile:

Forreal thoā€¦ we have:
YYF Shutter Evo drop today, $159
Unprld Motif drop today, $125
YYFriends Tachyon drop Sept 19th, $110
Outlier 3, later this year, probably $120ish

Thatā€™s $500ish on top of whatever Iā€™m doing to fund my organic addiction. Worth it though, these are pretty big drops. Just donā€™t tell my girl. :joy:


I love a quiet bearing as much as the next thrower, but trying to make a bearing, especially a non-shielded bearing, completely silent requires so much lube that it severely hampers spin time and is not worth it, IMO. I just canā€™t relate to those folks who are willing to make that trade-off. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Anyone else excited for the new Duncan MG? Canā€™t decide if Iā€™m going to get the large bearing or small bearing version.


Super excited. It has to be the large bearing version for me. Small bearing does have more of a nostalgia/fun factor to it, but the large bearing One AL is what I always reach for because it just feels so much more modern/versatile. I have to be in the mood to want to play a small bearing yoyo, but Iā€™m always in the mood to throw a C bearing.


Do you have any more info on these? Always wanted one!


No info on this yet. Maybe @bjardin has some extra details.


Color errors, but working on it!

The way we release it is going to be different because we sourced the final product in 4 different factory.

This is one of the most fun, yet challenging project for sure. Will never forget!

Should be this month :blush:


Oof I do remember this.


I think lower barriers to entry are great. Itā€™s pure capitalism. Besides, I think it gives plenty of people to have their personal dream yo-yo made. I know when I had the Independents designed it was more for myself. I just had a few extras made to offset costs and for people out there who wanted what I did. Although if Duncan came out with their small bearing Freehand Al sooner I would have grabbed one of those and saved myself the trouble.

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Is yoyoexpert doing anything for Halloween this year? @AndreBoulay

(Edited it since Garrett got a new job)


We do have a sale and we have talked about doing the annual Halloween photo contest again! So stay tuned this week!


Does anyone else have issues with hitting some tricks some days? It seems some days I can hit a new trick I learned most of the time and the next I canā€™t hit it to save my lifeā€¦


That happened to me with beef hook, first day i hit it i was super consistent and the next day I literally only hit one out of dozens of attempts lol


currently it is brent stole for me. I first learned it a couple weeks ago, hit it maybe 60-70% of the time. Now all of a sudden I canā€™t hit it to save my life. Sometimes may only hit 2 our of 10 attempts.

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