General-Yo X One Drop Yo-Yos

So where does clyw make their yoyos? One Drop?

CLYW makes their yoyo’s in Canada and in the USA (One Drop) but they are designed by Chris at his home in Edmonton.

They have a machinist in Canada they use. Also OD does runs for them sometimes.

I see.

You may be out of luck. Ernie actually works on A-10s as part of his day job. Which makes him even cooler in my book since it is my all time favorite military vehicle. :slight_smile:

Besides, you don’t want an F-22… a stealth tech yoyo would be a pain in the butt to play. ;D

All joking aside, have you tried the Amplitude yet? If you are looking for zippy then that might be right up your alley.

Oh man, oh man, oh man. I haven’t been this excited for a yo-yo in a long time! ;D


The cascade X the majesty


All I can say is, on my way home I had this tremendous feeling something really special happened.


Time to start up the hype train.

…and that didn’t strike you while you were there? Sounds like a serious case of delayed butterflies!!! :slight_smile:


Please let them be unengraved :smiley:

Ok now I want it. Bad.

Or how about a new unique yoyo


I like that. New and innovative!

sorry for the necro, but what happened with this?

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We are working on it :slight_smile:

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awesome, thanks for the reply David

X-15 or nothing!