Funny things nonyoyoers say

I’ve been doing fire manipulation since 2003. Long enough that it is my nature.:wink:


Non-yoyoers are not stupid, just ignorant of the hobby entails and what makes it attractive.

My wife also shakes her head when I watch videos reviewing old computer keyboards giving very great detal to their constuction, switches and function. She doesn’t understand why that would in any way be appealing. I completely understand that. It must look like the most stupid, nerdy thing to her.

Everything that has an enthusiast base looks like that to outsiders. It’s OK. I totally understand that.


Is that a yo-yo? Now I know somebody has said this already right??


True. A few months ago an older woman 2 doors down saw me with a yoyo and said that. She said she hasn’t seen one in years and did not know people played with them anymore. I think the ratio of yoyoers to non-yoyoers in the world - the number of yoyoers is so small that the number of them, to keep it simple, could be rounded off to NO ONE. More people play Pokemon. I probably never would have purchased my first yoyo (as an adult) in 2015 if I saw every other person walking around with one.


I agree. We are all in the minority of the world. Take pride in the fact that you can do something only a few people can do. Not every one has the money, determination, or the talent to be good yoyo players. So be proud of who you are, what you have, and how good you are!!


Well, yeah, it’s the highest grossing franchise at $95 billion dollars of revenue, of course more people play it lol.

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literally every single non yoyoer around me when i throw “WhaT tHe HeCk dUde jusT grOw uP alReadY hahahAHhahAHahahahahaHhAha…WHat a KiddO”
also when I show them gentry’s 2015 us nationals clip “Woa.”


You’re right. Pokemon was a bad comparison. Sometimes some yoyoers have an air of superiority over non-yoyoers as if non-yoyoers are unenlightened dullards with their insipid inquiries and requests for us to walk the dog. We were all non-yoyoers at some point and we would probably make some of the same comments.


Does cold fusion
Omg insane trick!!!

Does reverse brent stole
Lol u got that tangled


Lol u got tangled
-Me, to me, when I get tangled


me: does 2.5


me: does walk the dog

friend: WOW :smiley:

me: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Maybe there is a good reason why walk the dog is more interesting to most non-yoyoers: it LOOKS more interesting to them. Just because a trick is difficult and complex and takes a lot of time to learn does not mean it will have the WOW factor to non-yoyoers. I think we expect yoyo skills to earn us ooohs and aaaahs from non-yoyoers. Not many people will ever be impressed. I think that would change if we put a yoyo in their hand and taught them how to make it sleep. My neighbor flipped out when I showed her a sleeper.


I agree.
I haven’t been yoyoing long in the great scheme of things. But I have been a performer for nearly 20 years, and can say this. There are tricks for a general audience (let’s call it the money shot, or panty dropper), simple yet visually impactful. And there’s the tech side of it, tricks for other tricksters.
Just like the statement about those without “yoyo eyes”
I dig tech stuff, but sometimes it looks cold and without any character or emotion. I’d like to find that happy medium.


Thats my life!

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“Does that have batteries?”


Please, Please, Please, take this benjamin!


yes… very stretchy.

“I used to be able to do that when I was a kid”


“Does that thing have motors? How is it still spinning?”
Some younger kids: “cool fidget spinner” or “what a (fidget spinner) knockoff”


When none yoyoers say, "I can do that ■■■■, give me that…

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