For those who knew who Kim-Lan was...

I wasn’t here when Kim-Lan was. I’ve seen her DXL battle videos, and she is a very excellenet, and talented yoyoer. Since she is a girl, she would be something special here, there is bairly any girls here!

Come on, come back!

I remember a LOOOOONNGG time ago when I was a guest here. The website had literally just opened and I went to the forum. Pretty much the only people I saw posting were Samad, Kim-lan, Starscreem, and Rsmod ( I believed he quit too ). those were good times.

And you still need to teach me hoppin clouds!!! >:( The last part never comes out right.

how long have you not been throwing for? everyone needs a break from anything now and again, but even just picking up a responsive yoyo and throwing it up and down is a lot of fun, and gives you something to do waiting in a line or at a bus stop etc.

I believe I have never dinged any of my yo-yos. Nice picture, by the way. :slight_smile:

Haha, but no. I only have one master and you guys don’t know who she is.

I can’t teach you what I don’t know how to do. Seriously, I don’t remember most of my tricks.

I stopped yo-yoing at around the end of September/beginning of October.

Its like riding a bike, you never forget…kinda :wink:

WHAT?!? Now I’ll never learn it… :‘( I tried around last year, in octoberish… :’( In case you feel nice, I’m stuck at the part where you put the slack over your hand, after the spins and hops. My loop doesn’t come out right, so I think I’m doing something wrong…

Well, I didn’t forget how to yo-yo. I just forgot the tricks I’ve made up.

Which is precisely why you’re going to start up again, to remember those and make bigger and better tricks… right? Nudge

I beleive a while back RSmod said he would be gone on a trip for like 8-9 months.

Hey! You’re replying!!! ;D

Is it possible to not like yoyoing and join the forums?? NO!!! I doubt anyone here can do that.

So if f=being on the forums, and y=yoyoing, and k=Kim-Lan, then:

F → Y If you’re on the forums, then you like yoyoing.

K → F If you’re Kim-Lan, then you’re on the forums. (True for the moment.) THEN…

K → F → Y Which can be shortened to

K → Y If you’re Kim-Lan, then you yoyo.

There!!! It’s proven mathamatically!!! What else do you need?

Well at least she is logged on. If you go into chat Kim-Lan, it will be like 3 times the amount of people at chat night.

I will learn hoppin cloud I will learn hoppin cloud I will learn hoppin cloud I will learn hoppin cloud I will learn hoppin cloud I will learn hoppin cloud I will learn hoppin cloud I will learn hoppin cloud ;D

You need some algebra in there.


BWAHAHAHA! I love ruining peoples day.
Oh wait, its the nigh- nevermind.

nah, it’s 6:38. If Kim-Lan goes into chat, we might crash the site because of so many people on at once. ;D

lol, AHHH 72 people are in chat!!! just kidding.

Well its 9:49 PM here.

Really? I don’t think so…Let’s see.