don’t you need onedrop’s permission to sell anything that uses something they make in it? Or the design of the hub that the side effects fit in?
Don’t think so. Unless things have changed.
You also don’t need CLYW’s permission to use a “double rim” design. Although I’m sure there will be some fur rubbed the wrong way if someone does a full-on ripoff without consulting them.
Just put in my Pre-Order for the kayto 2. Can’t wait to see what its all about.
Any word on when the Kayto 2’s will be shipping out?
Does the edge of the rim cut string during horizontal? It looks pretty sharp and also upright pointing.
Maybe it should curve a bit more along the tangent toward the inside?
Is it possible to get rid of the “layers” with a satin?
He can probably sand it, but that will make them inconsistent, take much more time, and will inevitably make them more expensive for the labor.
Mine is pre ordered. I have always thought 3d printing was cool. Happy to support new ideas.
Has anybody received their pre ordered yoyo yet? Still waiting on mine.
Yup! I got mine
As well as a printed counterweight (cool little add in there)
It came several weeks ago…
Oops! Havent updated in a while…
Im a pretty honest dude so heres a black and white update!
The first few went out about 3 weeks ago. Then I realized our printer was giving me problems (specifically the inner cup area). After some pretty radical diagnosis and new nozzles - we ended up switching suppliers for the plastic. Along with re-machining the print nozzle, problem solved. Just a big headache really. But now we know (for the future!) what to do when this happens.
SO heres the break down for orders! A bunch went out a few weeks ago with the older plastic which has a yellowish tint to it (The plastic quality/density as a yoyo is the same, it was just giving OUR machines issues when it is molten!). The ones going out now are white white - like that of blank printer paper. Slight slight design change in the bearing seat area but thats about it.
I have the machine running as we speak. You also have to keep in mind - not only are these 3d printed, but I put them on a lathe to finish them and make sure they are good to go!
The ones I have printing now will go out beginning of next week! That will be ALL orders! so if you haven’t gotten yours yet that is you!
Any other questions please feel free to post here- if not message me through the website!
AND now the cat is out of the bag - if you’ve been waiting you’ll get the CW for free. Its neat - it has recessed string technology. For those who have it already shhhhh - dont ruin it for the ones who haven’t got it yet
Thank you everyone!
Thanks for the update! I was starting to get slightly worried, since I hadn’t heard anything in awhile and some people were saying they had theirs…
Excited to see the counterweight! And excited to play with the yoyo, sounds great! (And I like what I’m hearing about the color, too!)
I have a Kayto 1, can I get a counterweight?
I almost bought a 3d printer setup last year. Now I want one again because of this. ;D
As promised! More finished!
Any updates on these? Last update you mentioned that all orders would go out the next week, but I still haven’t seen anything on mine, and it’s been a couple of weeks since then.
Not in any real hurry, just wanted to make sure my order didn’t get lost or anything! Thanks!
Nevermind, it was in my mailbox today! Thanks!
Dropping soon!