Floaty yoyos?

Deadly Spins. You’ve never heard of them? :open_mouth:

Here’s another vote for the Summit. No idea whether it’s “floaty” – in another thread we basically proved that floaty had basically no real definition anymore in the yoyo community – everybody defines it differently. But it’s a fantastic throw, very stable and plays great with my slightly slower style.

I’ve heard of them, I just forgot what yoyos they made

i think the yeti is like the supernova, WWWAAAYYY to much hype. I think you should get a summit (they’re are some still left on the Onedrop page). If you love floaty, you’ll love the summit.

Yeti: also not floaty.

What about summit vs avant garde 2?

The T1 is pretty floaty and right at $80.

Guys i don’t know if you saw my edit but I said the price limit is $120 now

The more I think about it, the more I’d recommend the Wrath. It is an unusual shape, and it’s about as floaty as I can think of. Too much so for my taste, but if floaty is your thing, you’ll love it. The Summit is moderately floaty, but not as much as the Wrath, or even the Code 1. There are plenty of yoyos that are on par with the level of “float” the Summit has. The 54 can be made to be extremely floaty as well, although it is a pretty traditional shape.

Triton is in the middle of floaty and solid to me. It’s around $110. It’s also just a great all around throw.

I absolutely LOVE the Triton, but I’d say it’s probably on the better side of solid. That being said, it’s pretty much top 3 for me. As long as I throw, I will always have one (or two or three)

Is the quake floaty?

I’ve never played one, but I think it’s more on the solid side.

Yeah for me the triton plays in the middle, but it surely is one of my favs if not may #1 throw.

I’d say it plays more floaty than the Triton

T1 is a great throw, but it’s just a little too wide for my taste. Cascade for similar shape, or again, Summit for similar feel but a little more reasonable stats.

I was quite turned off by the T1 dimensions at first, but it’s quite playable. I reach for it more than my Summit these days. I find the T1 a bit more stable and long spinning.

So what do you guys think of the avant garde 2?

Interesting! I need to bring it back into rotation more often, it really is a great throw. Just tend to reach for my summit first.

I love mine, had a few people offer me smth fpr ot but i like it alot so would need to be a good offer, nice and floaty bit can plau fast too, if you get a chance get one! I traded a yelets for mine so got an awesome deal! Its custom powdercoated white too! :slight_smile:

Def a cool shape, thought i would like the mvp2 aswell bc it has the undercut but the avant garde’s more subtile weight rings and extreme undercut make it play very unique!