Fixed Axle Friday Throws

After seeing the Linda Sengpiel video that @DocPop post on National Yo-Yo Day, I’m inspired to play some more vintage Butterflys. This one is just like Linda’s in the String Tricks segment where she is playing an early Flambeau Duncan Butterfly. From the clip it also looks to be a small stamp Butterfly from the late 1960’s similar to mine. When I found mine, again the string was in knots and the axle had a little rust on it that would cut strings, using the old Proyo string saw trick, I eventually buffed the axle back out, but I am still conscientious about my strings. These weight in around 59 grams and they play great and up to modern 0A standards with just bulk poly. Now I need to just work on that $100K Trick Routine challenge she set forth, her Shoot The Moon (STM) regens are definitely skillful of a World Champion and not as easy as she makes them look.