First metal

I was wondering, what was your guy’s first metal and how far into yoyoing were you before you got it?

DV888 after a month. DM2 was my first.

Zen 4 I threw it until I finished advanced part 2 (so about a month)then I got a Majesty and since then many more

A tie between Code 1 and a Gnarwal. I could bind and was doing better, although clearly not very well at the same time(I’m a slow progressing player).

There’s no “right” time. If you can bind and have the money, it’s your call when to get one.

In comparison, I saw parents buy a kid an MVP who never threw a yoyo before and it went from “new in box” to being destroyed beyond repair within a 2 hour time frame. Clearly, starting off with a $120 metal is NOT a good way to go!!

However, I am serious about what I said. If you can bind and feel comfortable with your string length, it’s really your decision. If you can afford it, then why not? I will say having a good quality metal will help if the yoyo works good for you, which is a matter of preferences. I would suggest trying something more moderately priced for a first metal, but that’s just a matter of trying to save you some money as you grow your skills. Even so, a C3 DiBase or Capless are absolutely amazing. The God Tricks Bounty Hunter is big and fun and helps you land the tricks and are under $50.

I still play my DM2 and my Classics get a lot of play time, even though I seem to quite literally have a “pick of the best” in my collection, which includes General Yo, One Drop, CLYW and plenty of others. I enjoy them all.

I’ve been throwing for a year, and now my first metal(s) are on my way- Super G and G Funk

First metal was my OD Burnside and it’s still one of my favorites! I believe I had been yoyoing for a little over a month, and I was working on the expert section of the YYE trick list. Before that I was learning with my (plastic) Grind Machine. :]

2nd run pyro after about two months.

Red and grey M1 when they originally released.

Mine was a Maverick. Not unresponsive, and I wouldn’t recommend it for $30. I always start people with an unresponsive yoyo.

A month and you were on the expert section?!

Chico-Yo Heavy Hitter.

I still have it. Still one of my favorites.

My first metal was a wolverine BvM. I had been throwing about 4 1/2 months.

My first metal was a Duncan echo and to this day I love that throw and I’m planing on buying 2 more

My first was a dv888. If you count the hiatus between when I really started and when I got past double or nothing, 4 years. If you count when I actually tried, the dv888 was my only working yoyo, and therefore my first.

yyf yuuksta after 3 months then rec rev facade then chief then glacier express and cliff than arctic circle than teh yo then aman model 10

My first was an 888x, and I bought it the second day I was playing. I knew it was something I was interested in getting into and I didn’t know when I would see more. Sooo I bought it.

And then I found YYE. ::slight_smile:

Dv888 as my first yoyo, except for a wooden fixed axle from summer camp. But then the axle stripped, and I decided to screw a yomega axle in the axle hole, causing the hole to strip. :frowning:

haha Yes! If only I could’ve kept up that pace! >.<’ I tend to advance very quickly when I pick up a new hobby and then hit a wall somewhere along the line and then go into snail learning mode. haha. No big deal, I’ve been having fun nonetheless. :slight_smile:

I’m assuming you got the pro pack, in which case I’m totally jealous.

Skyline, first yoyo