Favorite 2013 Release

I don’t understand Canadian mail (although I’m fairly certain it’s the worst First World mail system on Earth). Edmonton to the nearest point in MI is only slight farther than it is to me but VA is substantially farther. Oh well. Good things come to those who wait…although I’d rather the good thing came without waiting. Maybe tomorrow but I won’t hold my breath since I got my AC2/Gnar2/Yeti days after other people who ordered the first day as well. Relatively excited for this throw so I have ants in my pants plus I want to see the red with clear splash to reassure myself that I didn’t make a blunder by not getting 28 Stories or Clareview Station. I thought the Canvas was a great successor to the Peak but a non-organic successor sounds awesome too. The Puffin was great but its Peak-like qualities were few and far between imo.

I believe you are thinking of the new version coming out.


Format :C. It brought 7075 and great competition performance to everyone.

From what I’ve played, Shutter.

I would have to say the hyperion and the benchmark series.
The benchmark series in general is amazing, but I have to give a special honor to the V because I like it better than the other two.

The Yeti for me.

For those reading the most recent thread on the same topic, you might want to read this one to see what the other people had to say about it…last week.

I’m thankful for the other thread because it brought me to this one! :smiley: anyways, I would say it’s a close choice between the Summit and the Prestige for best high end metal. Although I haven’t played them much since I got my Gnarwhal 2, I still think they deserve all of the credit.

As far as best budget metal, Shutter by far.

Best plastic/Bi-Metal for me would be the Yeti. I’ve had both the Rally and multiple Yeti’s this year and I have fallen in love with the Yeti. I also feel like the hype and marketing should play into the decision. If people have fawned over it, it deserves to be recognized.

I think those are all great choices, because I tried and enjoyed most of them. I was blown away by the Ricochet, but I know a lot of people haven’t tried one yet. Summit, Prestige, Rally…and Shutter, all great throws. I have more than one of most of those, for that reason, except for the Prestige.

Funny thing is, I found an AC2 off the BST, so I’ll get to try that one soon. There are still some 2013 releases that I won’t have a chance to try until 2014.

My favorite throw of 2k13was the Werrd Irony JP 2K13. Also liked the Quake, but mine doesn’t seem to spin very long (I don’t know if that’s normal or not). Best Plastic was theOne Drop Rally.

Hello all! It has been a very long time since I last posted, but I feel very strongly about this and will take the time to say it properly.

I believe the Draupnir to be the best yoyo released all year. I’m a very strong supporter of American-made yoyos, particularly those made by One Drop and General Yo. With this in mind, I still believe the Draupnir to exceed any offering made by any company in terms of playability and general pleasure-of-use.

One can be had this instant for $160.00 on this forum’s Buy/Sell/Trade and the retail price will not exceed $200.00 USD if a special color/finish is not selected. For the money, I believe the Draupnir to blow anything and everything else out of the water. I’ve played nearly every major yoyo released for the past 4 consecutive years and have experienced some amazing yoyos during my time throwing them. The Draupnir is my new measuring stick and I believe it will be for the foreseeable future.

I truly hope it becomes the next “Catch-22”, but with much wider availability and general appeal.

There were just so many good releases in 2013. But I think my favorites were
3. Yoyofficer IMP
2. One Drop Rally

  1. C3yoyodesign Mo-vitation
    like I said, there were so many GOOD yoyos released.
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Nickel Triton; Yeti :wink:

Lots of great responses.

2013 was a year where I became much more choosy about the throws I buy. After blindly buying just about everything that the industry could churn out over the previous two-years, I became able to “see” how a yoyo would play almost on sight.

As was previously pointed out, 2013 represented a tidal-shift in the yo-yo industry represented by many innovative designs; mostly from countries outside of North America. While American companies snooze behind their wall of patents; the world continues to innovate:

  1. YYR Draupnir. The best yoyo yet created by mankind. This yoyo showed what COULD be done with the YYJ patent instead of just sitting around and counting your royalties. Enough said for now.

  2. YYR Laser. Second only to the Draupnir. Its innovative design opens our eyes to an entire new world of yo-yo design potential. Seeing it for the first time was truly a “why didn’t I think of that?” moment. Genius.

  3. Sturm Panzer SY-0XX series of aluminum and brass yo-yo’s. They pushed these multiple material designs to their logical extensions with small-bearings and multiple weightings to give great exploration of the materials potential in a fun and entertaining way that showed you could be cutting-edge without taking yourself too seriously.

For Sale on YYE: (Yeah; I did want to point that out…)

  1. CLYW BvM2. True CLYW feel in a powerful “competition” yoyo.
  2. YoyoOfficer Hatchet - will be on sale soon. Tide-change.
  3. Yoyo Officer IMP.
  4. G2 Quake.


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I would probably say that my favorite releases would be:

  1. The Luis genesis because it’s super stable, smooth, solid, looks awesome and plays just as amazing, just suits me.

  2. Ape-X it’s super smooth plays too good (don’t own one yet but after I get a trident it will be the next thing I save for). The colors these yo-yos are offered in are just extraordinary.

  3. Sakura SE is way fun to play and just fun to hold. I’ll definitely be throwing this little bugger for weeks to come.

  4. Is the center trac X bearing. With some lube this thing is silent and real smooth. ( grabbing so many more)

C3 Krown, one of best yo-yos overall and I’m ahppy to finally see lighter throw from C3.
Rally, only plastic that can compare to metal yo-yos and that outplays Protostar(not fan fo Yeti)

And I have to mention Yoyofficer Hatchet, really big jump for Yoyofficer and moving to next level.

In my opinion -

My favourite: Onedrop Rally. Incredible fun play and great build quality at a fantastic price.

The Best (performance-wise): YYR Draupnir. Not much of an explanation is needed there. Throw one and you’ll understand.

The Overall Best YoYo of 2013: Yoyofactory Shutter. The budget metal that has taken the yoyo world (and Nationals) by storm. A go-to recommendation for new throwers and a full size metal from one of the largest and most popular companies for under $50.00.

I also agree with “oops”, with YYS gone, I miss their yearly awards. :frowning:

