Extra Butter - Shutter EVO

I’ve already used mine on it lmao

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Due to an impact or just coming loose from use?

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It hit the rug. No damage since it was carpet but it did need some smoothing out. And I was surprised how well it actually worked!

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It’s just forward thinking on the part of YoYoFactory. Somebody had to do it they decided they’d be the ones. I think a bit more is a functional tool that might shorten the misery span of anybody that ends up with a loose ring or two.

It’s primarily a just in case tool.

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Thank you for your colorful explanation. I am very excited for this to arrive and it was the waiting that got me thinking. As we saw in the video that AKYOYOMIKE posted earlier in this thread where it got slammed it into the wall on the first couple of throws, accidents happen. I guess it’s like the spare tire I have in the back of the car.

Better to have and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Thanks again.

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Butter!! 9.96/10.00

I was in the barn and wacked EVO off a carpet covered cement floor. This is before and after,



Wow. Can’t even tell that it’s spinning the second picture. The fix worked well. I guess concern for dislodged rims no longer needs to be a deterrent for those scared to get into bi-metal throws?

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Shutter Evo(lution).


sick… gotta love the galaxy butter and wide angle


These are the tightest throw I have ever taken apart, has anyone else noticed this as well. I thought there was some sort of thread locker on the axle but it looks clean.

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What are your thoughts on the Evo compared to the others?

I dm you

that last little ding you give it before using the tool had me dying

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Right! One last ding for good measure. It really is kinda nice not worrying to much about a bang. The tool dialed it right in.


yeah that was real smooth after, was honestly impressive how it smoothed out.

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