Yyf bi metal shutter or edge beyond?

Hey everyone. So I saw the new colors for the bi metal shutter and they look awesome :exploding_head: Ironically I get paid the 31st and was wondering which is better, the bi metal shutter or edge beyond. I’ve been looking at both and if I can get some advice and reviews I would really appreciate it :grin: (bad phrasing on which is better lol) I should say how would they compare against each other


So “what’s better” is honestly worst way to approach something like this, as nowadays almost every yo-yo is at a similar quality level. What you really should ask is “if i like yo-yos with x, y and z qualities, which of these will i like more?”

If you tell us what other yo-yos you like or what qualities you like in a yo-yo our what your preferences are for specs we can help you out.

I’d tell you to search for reviews on YouTube or using the search feature on the forum, but generally YouTube reviews aren’t actually very helpful, and most reviews on here are dependent on personal preference.

So what are you looking for in a yo-yo?


Thanks for the feedback. Also yeah I should have phrased that better :sweat_smile: I’m looking for something that has really good stability during agile slack tricks as well as something with good power on the throws. Mainly as a competition throw. I have a regular edge and I like it but I was thinking about upgrading. Honestly how would they compare in that aspect? Thanks :blush:

They are two really different yoyos. Both are amazing performance machines. I find the butter to be more approachable than the beyond, more comfortable to throw, easier to catch. On the other hand the beyond feels like a no compromise yoyo designed by and for one specific player. It is a unique player and it always surprises me with how well it performs but more than any other modern high performance throw I’ve tried it wants to be played on its own terms.


Thanks! Would you say there’s definitely more power in the beyond but more control with the butter?

The beyond is kind of funny, its pretty wide but with a small diameter. That small diameter makes it harder to throw it with as much spin. It has a small catch zone compared to all that width, so unless I’ve been playing it a lot I’ll tend to miss that catch zone and hit that wide rim. It is more responsive to being pushed, or to more 3d types of tricks. If I play it clean and make sure I’m throwing with a real good twist to get it going it has a ton of power. The shutter makes it easier to get a powerful spin and it is very tolerant of sloppy play. I would say if you have the plane discipline, and your throw is good enough to get all the power out of it, or if you really want a performance yoyo that will reward good technique then you’ll love the beyond.

If you want power thats easy to tap at the cost of some responsiveness, then the butter is going to suit you.

Its almost like comparing a big displacement V8 to a small displacement engine that doesn’t make power until 5000 rpm. They might both make the same horsepower, but the way they feel and how you use that power is different.


The bi-metal Shutter has more of both: power and control.

The Beyond is an amazing yoyo. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with the Beyond.

The Bi-metal Shutter just happens to be a higher performance yoyo.

I have 2 of each.

No doubt you would really like either one.

But if you are looking to buy one with the highest amount of ‘awesome’ built in to it. >

Get the Butter.:wink: