Event ideas

What would get you to come out to an event? You can say anything from a NYYL sanctioned contest to eating with my yoyo friends. I had a lot of fun doing the Texas State Contest, and I’ve got a LOT of ideas for what I would think is fun to have at an event. So for my next trick event, I would like to see what would get you to travel from wherever you are to say, Austin or Houston, TX.

Symposiums? Forums? BBQ? YoYo “Celebrities”? Trick Ladder? Pepper challenges?


before Australian Nationals, there was a Yoyo Battle Royale (trick contest)


Did you attend the Battle Royale? How was it structured? What was the point?

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Only the victors survived to tell the tale!

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There was a signup sheet, and all the names were put into a hat. there were 3 judges (basically the organisers). I guess you can have any odd number. The winner gets a yoyo which everyone has to ding beforehand.

we had 20 people, that should probably be the max.

Every round, 2 slips are drawn. these two would go head to head. If there is 3 left in the hat, do a 3 off.

The first round each player has two attempts to do a trick to impress the judges. Using the prize yoyo can earn the player extra points. After the 4 attempts the judges would point to whoever they think should go to the next round. Majority wins. Loser is eliminated.

Every round the winners go against each other, and each round can have a different theme e.g. blindfold, trickshot, speed, slack, offstring, freehand etc.

Final 2 or 3 vs and whoever wins gets the prize yoyo.

thats australian battle royale (trademark) ladies and gentlemen


Similar to gunslinger but in a country that doesn’t use/have guns. It’s set up as a head to head battle with judges determining who goes on to the next round. I like the idea of themed rounds.

Thanks for the idea.

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Anything else?

Do Prizes drive you to the event?


General hangout?

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General hangout for sure,
vendors, trades, workshops,
proximity to drinking establishments
and i would really like to see a contest that is judged by crowd response. i know that would not fly for an official contest, but i think it would be fun.
also, maybe proximity to things non-yoyo folks would be interested in…

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So this was my goal with having the Texas State Contest at Pinballz… they have two bars, a fantastic grill, the biggest arcade I’ve ever been to, laser tag, go-kart track… It was a fantastic venue for the amount of people we had. But the event space, the room we had the contest in, was maxed out with 100 or so people that attended.

It would be amazing to find a place like this with a larger event space.

What type of workshops would you like to attend?

Also, I’ve considered doing a Gunslinger (Head-to-head) that’s crowd response or popular vote judged. I think that would be a lot of fun. That would be a great cash prize event if there were one. Would you enter or participate in the crowd only?

only if you had an over 60 group… and no ringers… and moved it about 1600 miles closer, because Texas is a pretty big road trip for me. but it sounds like a cool idea and great venue.
are you talking about a timed thing or more like a best trick/ banger contest? best trick with crowd response vote would be really fun, and not take lots of time.

The goal would be a 40+ division. It’s hard to say about no ringers… you never know who’s going to show!

The Gun Slinger would be more of a “best banger” style, I would think…