Does anyone have any tips or tricks for learning Spirit Bomb?

If you bend your knees and go down after you pop it up while the yoyo is falling it might help you to have more time to see what is going on while you’re learning.

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Hmm I keep trying the bend the knees technique but maybe I’m just pulling my arms too far apart too fast or something because no matter what I do I can’t seem to get the triangle wide enough on the second hop quick enough. I’m trying to keep the string pinned behind my thumb on the second hop, but it doesn’t ever seem to want to stay there and always slides off. Wouldn’t happen to have any tip for this would ya?

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Are you talking about when your arms are crossed? Because I don’t pinch anything before or during the second hop. The comes from my finger loop across my index and the back of my hand down to the point of the v where the string from the yoyo is through it. Then back up over my throw hand wrist.

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One thing that might be worth a shot is trying to go for max hang time just try to do the hops as absolutely slow as possible but I might also just be in a hang time phase…

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I did it! Holly s@%t! I just did it twice! I’ve been trying this trick since July last year.

I can’t seem to continuously do it, but at least I’ve now landed it a couple times.

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Yo nice! You deserve a toast because finally landing it is awesome! Good work and way to stick w it! Super nice job HUZZAH!

On to the next one now I suppose :grin:

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Yo honestly, I recommend that I think…like if you move on instead of grinding it to perfection, your general skills will improve a ton by just learning new tricks and getting comfortable and when you go back to it, you’ll probably be better at it than ever like thats how this trick was for me after I saw this post and also a bunch of other tricks I learned a little while ago but forgot are better than ever when I went back to them now like don’t be scared you’ll lose it or something if you move on…you might have to be like, “wait what were the steps again?” but then it’ll come back and I bet it’ll be even better…I don’t know that’s whats been happening for me at least

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That’s exactly what happened to me when I started learning stuff off the trick ladder. I’d get one a few times and then move on, but when I came back to it it always seemed way easier.

Have any recs for a good trick to learn after Spirit Bomb?

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Hmmmm yes actually but I think you should only consider this rec and look at the old trick a week tricks and find a few you would like to try but this trick should be about right, like I learned it around then and it is just a few utility moves together…but honestly if you just pick up the chopsticks part, that’s sick and you’re winning I love the utility of that move and do it all the time…the cross arm rejection part just helps get better at arm crossing and understanding rejections


superman if you want to learn more wrist mount stuff


Alright, I’m bringing this almost year old thread back from the dead. Took a long break from unresponsive stuff but I’ve recently got the itch to finally understand what the heck is happening during Spirit Bomb. In the past I’ve landed it a few time (have no idea what I did, it just sorta happened), but coming back to it now I’m lost again.

I get the first hop. Then on the second hop I can land it inside the triangle like it’s supposed to, however it’s not double looped. It’s basically like I’m back in the wrist mount again. So what am I missing on that second hop that’s causing the string to not be double looped around the triangle?


When you pop up for the second time and uncross your hands, the yoyo should be landing down through the triangle and onto the bottom string of the mount, like this:

(this is correct)

If you aren’t getting the double loop, you’re landing out towards the front of the mount instead of through the triangle, like this:

(This is wrong)


Thank you. I have no idea why it took me over a year but for the first time in my life I think I actually “understand” what’s happening during this trick. It feels like a weight has been lifted and I no longer live under the constant lingering confusion of how everyone is able to do this trick but me.


Ok, now I just want to Spirit Bomb through the night. I’m pumped!