Do you keep the box?

I keep the boxes and have a box display, Wondering if its weird.


I keep them in a drawer. I prefer when yoyos come with a bag too though because I actually use those lil drawstring bags.


I used too.

But now I have too many yo-yo and need the space once used by the box’s for storage.

Good problems to have I guess


I used to keep every yoyo box but with over 200 throws, that becomes a little excessive so I just keep the boxes for the nicer throws now in case I want to sell them.


i mostly keep the boxes, but as of late haven’t been caring as much when i get stuff in trades and whatnot…


Must keep clyw boxes. They are fancy🙂


I keep them and every so often I flatten the unlikely-to-be-used so they can be stored in less space.


Let me give all you guys the best advice You never ask me for. unless you live in a phone booth or a very small cave or a dog kennel and you don’t have room for anything but a teacup… Save the boxes, save the containers, save whatever your yo-yo came with.i Save them. I know that most all of you have stuff that you don’t really need store all around your house or your apartment your condo your cave your garage whatever. But you just let it sit there taking up space. But as soon as some of you guys, get a yo-yo, you tear the package open throw away the tube, box, whatever…

Don’t do that… Save the containers that the yo-yos come in. Excuse me… Did I say the word save somewhere in there? You gotta trust me on this. The stuff that comes with your yo-yo is more important than you think if you ever decide to sell your yo-yo. It’s gonna cost you money for deciding you don’t have enough room to store the packaging your yo-yos came in. You won’t notice it now when you throw the stuff away because you might not need the money now. But if you decide to start a BST some of the yo-yos you sell are gonna be worth more money if you have the original packaging, the stuff came in.



I keep boxes that are neat like the mk1 packaging or DD or stuff like that but u don’t keep all boxes nor do I keep plain normal boxes. Yyf for example I rarely keep any of them.


Make this a poll!

if it’s generic packaging OEM box, no

if it’s neat packaging, I’ll throw it in a cupboard

if it’s a resilient container I can reuse like a DD capsule, it becomes an equipment container :slight_smile:


It’s not weird. I keep most of them just in case I want to trade. To me, it seems nicer in a trade when they come in the OG box. I don’t really care that much though and not sure if anyone else really cares.

I display my One Drop boxes because they have cool artwork on them.


I only keep the ones now that I think are unique or look cool, even then, to help save space, I break them down flat so they don’t take up a lot of room. If it’s especially awesome or has really neat art on it, I’ll leave it assembled.


Depends, if the box has no vibe or ano flaw I would as well.


I have a drawer, I have boxes for my boxes and the rest go behind this chair in the yo-yo office.

Everyone have a great rest of the week


Not weird. It’d be weird not to save them.


I use the turning point bags to keep strings in but uh nah bc I don’t really bst yo-yos and don’t want the clutter. Keep tho if it makes you happy! I think it’s super normal to hang onto them. I also live in a city apartment and space is very valuable to me so they go in the recycling.


I keep duncan box c3 tp bag

i keep most boxes just to ship em when i sell or trade yoyos. A lot of em look cool but they take up wayyyyy too much space tbh


I keep most of them. The YYFr leather bag has been used a lot. I have old DBYY ekg box, a ton a Jake B Chinese boxes, the DD and motion containers are nice for parts. I have boxes of yoyos i’ve never even owned when peeps re use them for trades. I wanna so something cool with them one day but who knows.