Dark magic or dv888

honestly you’re fine with the dv888. I dont see a need to buy a DMII. Your reviews are usually higher end throws. A majority of the views on your reviews are true yoyo fans and know what a dv888 and a DMII are like. Comparing a yoyo to either of them would be more than enough. If someone doesn’t know what a DMII or a dv888 are they shouldn’t be looking up as high end of throws that you usually review.

I’m not sure how to respond. This is the first offer I’ve had like that. People have often offered to loan me their throws to do reviews, but I always turn them down because I’d be too concerned about damaging it even in the safe area I play review units, strings can always snap and such. Damaging someone’s personal Yoyo would make me go to the nervous hospital.

But. If you truly just have it in a box somewhere and dont plan to use it, even if its damage and won’t play but still has its shape, I guess the response is big Thanks. If you’re truly no longer wanting it I’d be happy to use it for comparisons in the vids. Strip it down of anything of value to you first though, caps, bearing, response if it’s pads you can use. I can pop a bearing in here to show shape.

@Sniffyo on twitter

DM 2 was my second decent yoyo after fhz. Its a classic.

I have both of them and I prefer my dv888 more than my dmII. The dv888 is smaller so I think its easier to play.

Well I do prefer the Dv888 but if you’re looking for a more widely known throw I’d suggest the DM2 or as previously mentioned the FHZ. The FHZ would be helpful because of its generic shape and it’s pretty much a perfectly mid-sized throw with no innovation whatsoever. it’s fairly basic. If you’re going to compare the play of both, probably the DM2 because it seems like everyone asks about it sometime in their yoyo career.

I’m not comparing play, just size and shape

@Sniffyo on twitter

The DM2 would certainly be a great yoyo to compare to. Its size is fairly standard to a lot of yoyos and a lot of people are familiar with it.

Good point. Maybe I should be thinking more in the direction of the code 2 as one people are familiar with to compare to. Hmmm.

@Sniffyo on twitter

I’ve decided to go dv88, and now also Code 2 for size/shape comparisons in reviews from now on.
I think the Code 2 is familiar to a big segment of sniffy viewers. Started using it with today’s 2wei unbox vid.

@Sniffyo on twitter