I just got my first 3x3 cube last week. my record is 3:50.
I used to be able to do a 50second solve and was learning different techniques at solving it besides the beginner method. Cubing is super fun and I want to get back into it but learning new techniques after having one way set in stone in your head is harrrrdddd
hhhhhmmmmm… That’s better than my single record. I guess you’re about 7 or 8 seconds ahead of me in all different categories, except blind.
Nice. Keep working, and before long you’ll be under 2 minutes.
yep, switching methods is painful.
It is extremely fun, but yes learning new methods is such a pain. Hope to see both you and foolsgolddigger in here often.
I just started cubing last week and got my YungJun Guanlong in yesterday, it is soooo much better than my regular cube! My PB is 1:18.02 , just got that this morning, average about 1:25.
Wow! So many new cubers! Great to hear about your new pb! Keep working at it
Gonna start learning full 2gll, cpeoll, and maybe finish off vls and coll. I’ve decided to put OH solving near the top of my priorities.
another failed 6bld. Three inner wings miscycled sigh.
oh man that must be frustrating. 8.58 ao5 and 9.54 ao12 to finish off an ao50
I’m pretty sure once I actually learn how to do m2 edges properly I could get a 3bld success. My memory is definitely there, I just can’t wrap my head around the method itself.
I think I’m starting to not get so frustrated any more. It’s happened so many times to me that I’m getting used to it. Like last night I memo’d an 8x8x8. I barely did any execution before I messed up. Anyway, I’m starting to get faster attempts. It took me only 1 and a half hours last night.
what you can do to make m2 easier is set up targets FU, UF, BU, BD, and DB with one move (like a U or a B) then do two m2s then undo the U or B. So for example DF-BU-FL would be for you B’ U R’ U’ M2 U R U’ U’ L’ U M2 U’ L U B. Are those inner targets your trouble?
Yep those ones on the m slice give me a ton of trouble
Did you understand what I said? I could make a really quick video explaining it if you want.
If you wouldnt mind making a video I would appreciate it.
Okey doke.
btw, try a solve with the FU and BD pieces solved.
Trying to solve one, took me about a half hour to get one side. No I have no clue how to do the others now. Ideas on how?
When you solve one side, you have to do it so that you end up solving one layer. Your one side was likely not permuted correctly if you did it without instruction. That’s great you were able to do it intuitively though!
The video Pineapple Jumpsuit posted should be great.