So I’m on season one of a YouTube channel called cubing province, which is similar to cubing world, but with people from Alberta. Anyone have any ideas on video topics. So far I’m doing blue cross example solves and 3 cycle zblls/ easy 2glls.
OH example solves.
In what situation would you use this?
Blind solves. Not that specific one but ones similar to it.
I figured. I think that they’d be hard to know exactly what case you have.
11.01 ao100 pb as well
And I finally got this scramble
F’ U R’ U2 F R2 U’ F’ U’
Got 1.38 stackmatted
I’m starting to get the hang of a few of the simpler 5 cycles. This kind I guess is just too complicated. I did manage to do a 5 style edge solve though.
It must be a little aggravating not getting under 11:00
edit: I figured out that case. I’ve recorded 5 generic 5 cycle cases.
double edit: These are my 12 base 5 cycles, which I will try to create more 5 cycles off; 1 being the buffer, 2 and 3 being on X (the plane that interchanges the pieces) and 4 and 5 being random pieces being cycled. The “-” indicates the former number replacing the latter. It took me an hour or so to find these.
A = 4-1
B = 4-2
C = 4-3
D = 5-1
E = 5-2
F = 5-3
G = 5-4
1-2-3-4-5 = X D B X D’ B’
1-2-4-3-5 = C X C’ D X’ D’
1-2-4-5-3 = F X A X F’ X2 A’*
1-3-2-4-5 = X2 D X2 E X E’ X’ D’
1-3-4-2-5 = X2 A X’ G X’ G’ A’*
1-3-4-5-2 = E X2 A X’ E’ X’ A’*
1-4-2-3-5 = B X B’ X D X2 D’
1-4-2-5-3 = B F X B’ X F’ X2*
1-4-3-2-5 = C X2 D X’ D’ C’ X’*
1-4-3-5-2 = C E X2 C’ X’ E’ X’*
1-4-5-2-3 = C X E X’ E’ X2 C’ X2
1-4-5-3-2 = B S X S’ B’ X’
- = careful to not cycle the corners.
21.1 OH
what happens at a contest after a dnf? how’s it scored?
16.36 ao5. great video quality, I know
I haven’t done roux in a while. But I just beat my roux record. 19.2
The first dnf will automatically be the slowest time. Second dnf makes the whole average a dnf.
So if you’re on your last time, and it’s not as good as the rest of them, why not dnf?
Some people do haha. If I popped on my last solve and had decent solves already I’d do it
Yeah, like if feliks some day got 4 straight sub 6s, and then didn’t even bother with the last solve… that would be kind of funny.
In his latest average of 5 on YouTube, he rolled a 5.91
9.74 ao12
why is it ao12 and not 10?
Yep pb. And I don’t know why but that’s what people do
So there’s nothing official about ao12? Is it just a whim of the community?
Pretty much
U’ F2 D2 L2 B2 R2 U’ F2 D’ R’ U F U’ L R D’ F’ L2 U2
5.85 single
x y’
U D’ F R D2
U L’ U L
R U’ R’
y U2 R U’ R’ U R U R’
U2 R’ U’ R U’ l U’ R’ U
x R’ U’ R U’ R’ U2 R U
nice. what’s your average right now?
High 10 low 11