Cubing Corner

This is getting so crazy annoying. I’m making three attempts a day and all of them are getting so ridiculously close. It’s driving me crazy.

Don’t worry, you’ll get it. It took roman strakhov 19 attempts to get a 9bld I think.

Yeah, I hope it’s soon though, I’m getting sick of this 6x6x6.

2x2 ao5 is 20.xx with a pb of 9.oo and 3x3 a05 is 45.xx with a pb of 33.xx

Learn ortega for 2x2. You’ll easily get a sub 10 avg.

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Ok sorry for being such a noob but do you memorize OLL and PLL?

What do you mean?

You would of course want to memorize them all, but start with 2 look so you only have to learn a minimal amount of algs.

just do them over and over until they are in your muscle memory.

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For big cubes, is it faster to solve six edges at a time, or to solve a whole row of edges by not putting the center pieces back to solved until eight edge rows are solved? (Was that to confusing?)

I think it’s ad best to use free slice on big cubes. So basically just pairing up a whole bunch as you see them I think. But your probably better than me at big cubes.

Ok. I guess I’ll just have to time it then.

Know any good advanced big cube tutorials?

Just learned kenneth’s big cube method, which is a direct solving method for cubes. It’s basically roux for big cubes.

I’m pretty sure this is my record for the 4x4x4, 1:57.22 using ^^^ method

Cool. Have you tried yau?

I think so. Isn’t it just solving the cross with edge pairing? It seems like a pathetic advantage. Maybe I’m missing the rest of the method or something.

The advantage isn’t the cross skip, but the lookahead that it allows you. All your edges are solved on the bottom,so you don’t have to do a x2 rotation or look on the bottom layer. When pairing edges you only need to look on the top and middle row. Plus it allows for 3-2-3 edge pairing which is really good on 4x4.
There’s a reason why all the top 4x4 solvers use yau.

Maybe… but you forget I don’t use f2l. But yeah, if there were a roux version of that I would try it.

I have an idea. I can make a video tonight or we can discuss it through pm. Also you may want to try Hoya or k4.

Try a pm.