Cubing Corner

47 seconds! ;D

Nice job! Getting your first sub 50 feels awesome :).


Yay for new PB! 8.15, OLL skip.

Lol if I had 8.15 on a 2x2 Iā€™d be super happy :smiley:

PB on 3x3 is around 45 seconds :slight_smile:

my pb is 32.6 seconds which im pretty happy with :slight_smile:

I need a little help on blindsolving. How do you refrain from breaking into more than two new cycles? (One for corners one for edges)

I almost solved it blind. I had three pieces wrong when i opened my eyes. I know the mistake i made. I did a setup move for ā€œoā€ and when i undid the setup move i went the oposite way of the way i setup. And i only had to memorize 17 letters whereas itā€™s usually 20 letters. I really blew a chance. :cry:

I did it! first blindsolve ever!

Iā€™m no good at blind, but sometimes you need to break into a new cycle more than once on edges, not sure about corners.

Haha itā€™s cool man, I was where you are less than a year ago. :).

Anyway, I got 2 more 8s this week! An 8.53 and an 8.80.

With my Zanchi I average 50, but my best was 43 (Iā€™m using the beginner method.)

I actually realized you will break into the same amount of cycles no matter what because when you look at the cube there will be 1,2,3, or 4 circles (what i mean bycircles is you look for where one piece goes and the piece in the place where piece number 1 should be is the piece that should be in piece number oneā€™s position, in other words 1 goes to piece two, and 2 goes to piece one) in the corners, and 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 circles in the edges.

kind of stopped cubing for a while, after reading a few posts here i want to learn blindfoldet now :smiley: looked at the method and it seems pretty doable with some practiceā€¦ started learning a few algs that iĀ“m missingā€¦ hope i can do it^^

My PB was 32 seconds on a 3x3, but I average about 40-50.

I think I could get sub-30 if I memorised all the Fridrich OLL and PLL algorithms, but I just canā€™t be bothered. People lose their minds then they see you solve a cube full stop, regardless of how long it takes, so I donā€™t have the motivation to spend all that time memorising them.

Oh, and Kclejeune, youā€™re a flipping beast with that cube.

Which is faster, roux, petrus, or fridrich?

Haha thank you XD

The fastest is generally considered CFOP (real name for fridrich), although roux is becoming very fast. Try both. I say this because CFOP has hundreds of sub 10 solvers and Roux only has like 4. That being said, roux can be extremely fast and is used by the third fastest person in the world.

Always thought roux was fastest.

Not true. If one is called the ā€˜fastestā€™, itā€™s CFOP. The method is by far the most popular and developed. Out of the top 100 rankings, I would bet 98 of them use CFOP.

When it comes to roux compared to cfop, in orienting the corners, which of the seven algorithms are the same in both situations?