Hey, since this graphic design isn’t being used anymore, might as well resurrect it for a metal yoyo; Blood Magic:
Here’s another take on this; basically the text is removed in favor of a small pentagram:
…and spinning:
Instead of just the generic “galaxy” colorway everyone does, I always wondered why not use actually galaxies, nebulas, star clusters, planets, etc.?
Here’s my celestial series:
Milky Way
Messier 13
Oxidized copper. Either actual [sealed] oxidized copper or a splash to achieve the same effect.
actual [sealed] oxidized copper
Like, oxidize a copper plated aluminum yoyo and then seal it so it doesn’t continue to corrode or feel gross. I don’t know if that is a thing though… Might just have to settle for the fancy splatter ano.
1st one is just a eye.
2nd one Who likes Moustache will buy. hahah
3rd one Who likes rats…
4th and 5th inspired from the honeycomb.
Lord of the Rings!
Oops! Just googled Lord of the Rings yoyo and much of this concept has previously been done before. Never mind…
Yeah, the 3D definitely steer clear from as the ano process on a 2.5 dimension with the acids Fairfax being flat, the lighter agents go the top and are the first to accept the cathodes charge adhering it.
A flat 2D colorway (so long that it classifies as a Colorway.
The ano IS - 2D through voltage and positively charged ions administered by the cathodes in a tub of solvent onto a 3D object (a yo-yo).
I like what you’re doing.
I took this exact route 10 years ago. I’ve made different series of cosmological phenomena as gorgeous quadrants of space, nebula STS- NG/ etc
PM me if you’re interested
I guess I’m choosing not to take the topic title quite so literally. I read it as “design a cool and unique colorway”, and so I’m using it as an opportunity to play with different graphics ideas and see if any find traction with the community. If any of my entries are deemed off-target or completely impractical from a production perspective then Jeff is obviously free to remove them from consideration and from the topic stream.
Thanks for the info guys… code you’re the man. That’s super kind of you.
No computer graphics or post production. All of these colorways
I love colorways
someone get these on a yoyo
How would these be put on a yo-yo? Hydro-dip? Can you hydro-dip a random .jpeg image?
I guess so? https://www.liquidprintone.com/custom-film-development/
You don’t see a ton of hydro-dipped yo-yos though so I suspect it’d be tough.
Looks like it has been done though