Complete this sentence

tiny pinky stretchy belly

the velociraptor accidentally…

…sat on my friend.

My mouse loves to…

Run through mazes of mouse traps

Squishy the squid wants to………

squeeze and squash squinty squirrels

In their Icelandic headquarters, Sauron and Optimus Prime…

Like to pick the ice and throw it to the sun. In the middle of summer I like to…


In the fall, I like to…

move it, move it

In the winter, I like to

Doctors/lawyers/people who get good pays…
And professional yoyoers.
I went there.

Lol, wut?^

Whenever I get bored, I can swing my…


I like to

swing my sword

In the end, billy…

Give me the sword no its mine ahhhhh

Its fun to…

swing your sword sword, i can swing my sword sword. You cannot aford-ord-ord to swing my sword sword, not my diamond sword, i can swing my sword sword.

So I decided to…

Go swing your sword sword whenever you get bored bored

So now that song is….

Still awesome!

Tim tim runs for days in the maze unles the MINI TAUR TAUR MINI MINI TAUR TAUR MINI MINI TAUR TAUR MINI MINI…

Dies a slow and painful death.

When your swag talks to you…

You better listen.

Why did I cross the road?

North Korean long range missles can’t reach me from there.

Knock Knock. Who’s there?

Interupting cow.
Interupting co-

Wow never heard of those :smiley:

potatoes makes me think of…