According to my little cousin...

So while I was in So cal a while back, I was letting my little 11 year old cousin try one of my yoyos, and she started talking about “the yoyo world”
She has an interesting view of everything…

Cuz: Who makes this yoyo?
Me: Ah, the 401k is made by yoyofactory
Cuz: Oh I know them, there is a girl at school who’s dad owns the company.
Me: Really?
Cuz: Yeah, she is part of the pink girl yoyo team
Me: Not sure who they are?
Cuz: They are a yoyo team of these 4 girls in my school and they always win all the world competitions.
Me: Woah, I didn’t know!
Cuz: I don’t like them though.
Me: Why so?
Cuz: They are really mean and they act like they are the most awesome people in the world, and everyone treats them like they are, they go walking around school in their preppy pink yoyo uniforms and everyone follows them around and praises them and they act like they are all that and a bag of chips.
Me: Woah, crazy
Cuz: Yeah, they are really mean to me too, they treat anyone who is not in their popular group like trash
Me: Well thats just not cool,
Cuz: Yeah, but they are so popular cause they keep winning the yoyo contest, and they win because that one girls dad who owns yoyofactory pays lots of money for them to win
Me: Wow, thats amazing.
Cuz: Yeah, the other girls dad owns all the other yoyo companies so he is really rich so she is very spoiled.
Me: SO her Dad owns Duncan…yoyojam…CLYW…SPYY…Aoda…
Cuz: Anything that is not yoyofactory, cause the guy who owns yoyofactory got in a big fight with the other girls dad, they hate each other, but the girls are ok with each other.
Me: Wow, thats pretty amazing that all that happens in the background.
Cuz: Yeah, Its bad cause nobody will ever be a yoyo champion again besides them because of their dads and their popularity.
Me: So what about the other 2? why are they in the team?
Cuz: One girl owns all of the yoyo stores, the other’s Dad was a 12 time world champion.
Me: Ok cool, so the yoyos I own, all of them were made by one of those first 2 girls dads then yes?
Cuz: Yeah, all of them,
Me: Wow, So how do you know all this?
Cuz: It spreads around school, nothing is secret.
Me: Ah, ok then…


BWAAAHAHAHAHA!!! You have to love the mind of a child! :smiley: My oldest comes up w/ some crazy stories too.

Hmmm maybe I don’t want yoyo to become mainstream…

I suggest offering to demo at the school :smiley:

Iv always wondered what a kid would write about if they were given their own book :stuck_out_tongue:

children are totally depraved, just like the rest of us

Pretty funny, though.

how did she come up with that ??? it was funny

But just think of all the money those kids get from their dads owning companies like Duncan! There so rich they went bankrupt!

Maybe I’m abnormal, but just the same things as any adult author would write about…

But again, I’m not in any way average, so:

Ya know, she may just be right. ;D

I always enjoy talking with kids. They have such a fresh insight into things.

My 16 year old brother has actually written a couple sci-fi novels. He’s struggling to get them published, but he came really close a couple of times…

made my day! ;D

i cant wait till my little cuzin turns old enough to talk

Yeah, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. You get to leave when you’re tired of it. :smiley:



if they old enough, i’ll marry one of them so i can get some easy win.

cute ;D

I see your using them now xD, how do you think team pink would feel about that ;D. I think it was team pink O_o

The secret is out <>.

Oh snap