Color ways that you don't care for in the slightest

I don’t like half and half ones very much

i don’t mind half and halfs, but that purple and yellow is nauseating

I LOVE half and halfs, but that one is some special kinda something.

Other than that… not too many I don’t like. Rather enjoyed most of the ones you pictured above. :wink: I do find that YYE colourways often look like “Eddie Van Halen” colourways to me (will soon own 3 of them, so not really saying that’s a bad thing), but that’s showing my age a bit, I think.

I agree with the Code 2 and Amplifier, but I really like the other ones. :slight_smile:

I don’t like yellow yoyos.

I’m guessing to dont like the v

I guess I’ve never really thought about it before, but I don’t think there are any colorways I actually dislike. I like some better than others, but there is something I like about every one.

I am not a real big fan of yoyofactory’s splash. it doesn’t look very natural. I guess that’s the only one I am not really crazy about.

Awww, am I the only one who thinks Plasma Burn looks pretty cool??? I think it’s sweeeeet.

Was just about to say this. Now some YYF’s splashes are different than others. I just haven’t really liked the one with the “poofy cheeto” look to it.

Also I think it’s the fact that many of their splashes don’t touch the response area. It’s like they’re drizzled all over the cup area and sometimes they spill over onto the catch zone. I wish their splashes would cover all over the yoyo halves, but randomly. Not just always in the cup and maybe a little on the catch zone. I mean RANDOM, like big blotches here small ones there, maybe a little on one side and a lot on the other. You know, make it interesting. But I guess YYF has their own style ya know? The more ya look at it, the better it is, but I do feel there are some ways to make them look even better.

Like this one. SUPER SICK ano! Extremely dope acid wash. Extremely nice looking splash lines, but looks kinda “meh” when it comes to the splash not going anywhere near the response area. I feel like if it did then it would REALLY make the yoyo. P.S. I still want this yoyo in this ano-way anyway, but I feel like it would be even better if it covered the response area also.

I really think their acid washes are TOP NOTCH though.

Really? Are you kidding me? Dog Fish Creek is amazing. It’s much more pretty in person.

I always assumed some companies didn’t anodized the response area to prevent the possibility of string cutting

I personally dislike gold yoyos

I actually love the half and half purple and yellow that my wedgie is.

I almost got a Dog Fish Creek Ava because of the colorway.

I like most yoyos because of their individuality however, the green and black wash on the crucial A la Mode looks god awful!


IMHO it’s my favorite colorway of all time.

To the OP, I like all of them except the Amplifier. :stuck_out_tongue:
On topic, this is the worst colorway EVER, IMO.

^^^ It looks like vomit spinning.
P.S. To all the people who hate yellow yoyos, the yellow Code 2 is absolutely stunning in person.

Agreed. MFD has some pretty awful anodizations.

I know its a popular colorway but I can’t stand the 28 stories colorway (except on the first and second run Peak). I just dont like how the blue has gotten over the years its very boring IMO. The red splash is nice but the 28 stories is my pick for MY least favorite colorway.

I feel you. This just looks bad to me: