a small comparison
[personal opinion on the “same” yoyo, both are great anyway]
i acquired the new comeback avalanche… made in summer 2012 and widely sold…
the weight changed from 67.2 g to 66 g … and the CAD file is different, and it “somehow” plays “so much better” …the guy up there ^ said so
(of course he wouldn’t say it’s “a little worst than the original but please buy it anyway” cough)
so much better?..or is it?
for starter, the paint job looks nicer on the comeback rather than the original…i don’t know if it’s just my “clareview station” which is kinda crappy or the whole “old generations” but i see a difference there.
in hand the comeback edition is… smaller…how to explain it? it feels more narrow, and the shape is slightly different to me.
in play, oh boy, the weight difference is there! i don’t know if that’s what Chris meant when he said it was "so much “better” " but the comeback copy is faster…aaaaaand…loses tremendous stability and spin.
this is reflected in horizontals and long combos.
it’s bad alright.
the difference isnt’ major, but it’s there.
it almost feels like a “little brother” avalanche…not the real deal.
so yea, he lost the CAD file, great job the legend is lost, that new comeback edition is NOT worth the original from Kirsztian Kalulza, and IS NOT “so MUCH better”, in fact the small difference makes it that much worst.
we lost some character in the “let’s try to remember how it was” conception phase…
so Yeahh, that CLYW box just has to be crushed, a rip off made by it’s own creators…shame
(worth to mention that to “make up for their fail” CLYW includes a center track bearing instead of the speed bearing they used for the original…)
still, two good yoyos i’m happy to own, but yea, anyone having the “older” (totally not beaten and NOT outdated) version : keep it…it’s better than the “comeback and pay for it” version…lost CAD, lost greatness
pics bellow: Blue: original ver, Silver: comeback