CLYW Bonfire

It’s still available if you look around.

when did the clock start? 24 hours ahead of the release?

The countdown clock on the product page. The YYE blog entry that said they’d be released at 10pm EST. The YYE Facebook post that said they’d be released at 10pm EST.

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Same dude! I can’t wait for it

Original announcement was on blog. They didn’t cross post it to their Instagram/Facebook. You should follow that blog for future announcements.

Then later YYE announced it and started the countdown. That was Wednesday or something.

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:slight_smile: I was able to snag a confetti. Super excited to play it! I checked the shipping status and it should be here by Monday. Kudos to YYE for super fast shipping. This is my first bonfire.

Nice! Can’t wait for mine. Happy throwing!

Mine just arrived!

Just curious, anyone know what flat bearing is in this run of the Bonfires?

I believe it’s the CLYW 10 ball bearing. Correct me if I’m wrong

I asked this in the “what are you throwing today” thread. I should of asked here, anyway so yeah I got my Space Blizzard Bonfire in today and noticed it came with a flat bearing. Now i’m not complaining or anything. In fact I prefer it over a CTX, but thats just me.

But since when has CLYW had flat bearings, I always thought they used CTX so this came as a surprise. CLYW 10 ball? really? Wouldn’t it just be a 10 ball from another company like OneDrop and not a brand new 10 ball only from CLYW.

Came anyone comfirm who makes it? ???

It spins like the flat ones on the earlier models. My 1st Chief’s had ones like this. Gonna compare in a few. Will update shortly


CLYW said that they switched to flat because of all the crying they got from the CTX bearings.
Also my Bonfire didn’t come in today :frowning: it’s probably going to come in tomorrow.

Thanks Anthony :slight_smile: hope yours shows up later today

Didn’t know they were still taking questions on I read up on it and it seems people just didn’t like the CTX’s they shipped being a little bit responsive.

I believe this is the post that brought the issue people where having to light.

Yeah i remember reading that^ but had forgotten, thanks for the reminder ^^

Got my hulk smash today! I love it. =)

I was wondering this too, still haven’t found a solid answer. The same bearing came on my puffin 2 a few weeks ago. I’m loving the bearing, just wish I knew what it was. 8)

My bonfire came in yesterday and sadly it has a bit of vibe, anyone else’s vibey?

CLYW outfitted the latest run of Bonfires with a standard stainless steel 10-ball bearing designed for high performance play right out of the box!

And sorry to hear about the vibe issue, every one we tested was smooth! Did you buy it from us? Did you try tuning the axle to smooth it out?

Send us an email and let us know, we are always here to help! :slight_smile:

No mate! Why won’t I pay for that? That’s a $30 thing. No one will just ‘toss’ a $30 thing for free.
Sorry for the confusion if my post made any, but my meaning was that I have ordered a Konkave bearing and have asked them to switch it just coz I am not too good at removing and changing bearings.
And yeah, I love my northern lights.

Just to let others know who are not too familiar with the “northern light” concept.
Northern lights (or as we call them ‘Aurora borealis’ in the north pole and ‘Aurora australis’ in the south pole) are collisions between electrically charged gaseous particles from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere. The lights are seen above the magnetic poles of the northern and southern hemispheres.
These are one of the things that landscape photographers die to take pictures of (just like myself). So until I go to Alaska and take some of the pictures myself, I am gonna keep playing my Bonfire northern lights :wink:

**Images are courtesy of photobucket.