Christmas Haul

So, what did you get? I’ll start.

I got a G-Squared Marvel, (New favorite ;D)

Two bearded dragons! They’re best buds.

Aaaaaaannnndddd a really dang good monitor (4K, nuff said) along with some other parts.

I got a:
Top-Yo Cloud-II (such a great throw)
Yoyojoker Trancer
Mystery boxA (Blue/black speckle toohot and green dogma)
2016 Superstar
and some new headphones

Mighty Flea n some strings
Fallout 4
Star Wars Battlefront
Guitar Hero Live
Broncos helmet
Tickets to hurricanes-penguins game
Giant light up Rubiks cube
Air Max Tavas

Duncan Retro Wooden Butterfly
Spintastics Manta Ray
YoYoFactory Replay Pro
YoYoFactory Shutter
YoYoJam Classic

Cotton 8 String
Slick 6 String

Bimetal superstar which is bae
Replay pro from my little bro
Kitty string
Guitar accessories(strings,picks,etc.)

Clyw wooly 5 panel hat
Sweets f3 chameleon marble kendama
A baby Duncan imperial
And a food steamer/cooker

Acer gaming moniter
2Tb hardrive for my desktop…
technically a new gaming setup because now i have two moniters… just waiting on my graphics card to get back from the factory…

Multiple joke books,
Backgammon board game,
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups,
Some clothing items,
The Giver book,
The first three Hunger Games movies,
and my personal favorite, a YYF/JakeElliott Atlas.

my personal favorite of your list is the Reese’s.

I pulled
-A First Base
-A Weekend
-A Bi-Metal Superstar
-Some nice headphones
-Google Cardboard
-Just cause 3
-Xbox Elite Controller

So good

I got 100 of hot pink normal kitty string (I’m surprised I even got this knowing my mom never buying me yoyo stuff) I also got a video backdrop and lighting, a cookbook, 2 half pound reeses, and that’s about it.

i got some new shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, a new pair of shoes, a new desk, a horizon, a replay pro, a kendama usa classic, a flight, a initiator, and some kitty string. All of which is amazing, though i havent gotten to really use the flight yet.

I know, right?

i got those half pound Reese’s too! Funny.

Can you send me a picture of the hot pink kitty’s? I’ve been wondering what they actually look like.

They’re pink😁

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Really? I thought they were purple.

thanks. But, on every site, it looks completely different due to cameras and screen color. Was looking for a shot of it and a standard kitty string like green or yellow to compare the discoloration from media devices.

Those are the baby pink, the hot pink look more orange to me.
Edit, I have both, if you want pink I’d go with the baby pink.

Here’s what I got :slight_smile:
. Cookies
. Shirts
. New pants

exactly why I asked. Thank you. Are the hot pink in the neon pack? I have the neon pack and one is like reddish/pinkish/orangish.