Choosing CLYW yoyo - [Merged]

They both fit the description. You wont be disappointed no matter what choice you make.
Personally I like the Chief better. :slight_smile:


Chief. No doubt.

Old Avalanche is better than either.

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Didn’t really like the all.
I haven’t tried a chief, but when me and my friend meet up a week from today, he will let me try his

I’ve only used an avalanche for about a 1.5 hours and really liked it but nowhere near as much as my chief. It’s the smoothest, longest spinning throw I own. I’d go with a chief :+1:

My prefer my Avalanches. To each their own.

I REALLY like the Avalanche.

But as much as I like the Avalanche, I like the Chief even more. The Chief is just great.

They’re both awesome. Just get the one that appeals to you more in pictures

Just flip a coin


Personally I like mine equally, but in general the Chief is better received. I’d go with that.




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Gotta poop or get off the pot. :wink: Nobody’s going to make this decision for you!

If you want float-tacular, it’s the Chief. If you want something more solid (but still not a brick!) it’s the BvM2. I only played the BvM2 a little, but I loved it.

As already stated, if you don’t know if you want something more solid or more floaty, just flip a coin. Or get the one you like the looks of.

Why do you need to bump these threads? Alex gave you a fantastic post telling you pretty much everything you needed to know, and many other people have posted on your other threads giving you more than enough great information to make an informed decision.

I appreciate how tough it is trying to decide on a new throw, and we’ve all been there, but the simple answer is this:

They’re all great throws. Just get the one you want/like the look of the most.



Just curious Alex which version of the Wooly Marmot did you try?

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